Source Code

Google Time

When you have no idea what something is, so you Google it.

"I don't know shit about this. Google time "

by SoldYerSpy February 28, 2015

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time in a bottle

an hourglass

omg jeff still uses time in a bottle

by sekio March 25, 2004

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Flash time

When someone brbs. flash time just means hurry!

Togsy: brb!
Gavin: Flash time!

by [= November 22, 2007

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Time to shit

When you get so excited that your anxiety goes up and you shit every where

"So I am planning on going to Paris and I'm taking you with!" "OMG, guess its Time to Shit :

by Borkl December 6, 2019

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time egg

A Time Egg is a Time Traveling Device that freezes time and temporarily halts the space-time continuum to perform a certain task usually replacing people, objects, or events depending on the situation to alter certain or particular events that have already happened. The reason being is to change history or achieve greater goals that are impossible to use without the device.

In Chrono Trigger, Gaspar the Guru of Time along with Spekkio allowed the time traveling heros to use the time egg to halt time, replace Crono with the clone, and save Crono.

by dsleaz April 26, 2009

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It's time for Corn

A phrase to initiate the ritual of eating corn with family friends, or even your dog.

My Grandma: *SCREAMS*
My GF: *Vaporizes in out of thin air*
My Dog: *Grows 20 extra legs and consumes all of the corn*

by ReLeo March 20, 2018

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time lag

someone who you want to have regular exchange with but can only contact through filling in forms which often times poses difficulty and/or compromises spontaneity.

me: "hello, someone. how are you today? can i tell you about my weekend?"
someone: "fill in this form and optionally rhyme and I'll hear (read) you out, mate"
me: "but time lag!"

by Krkiฤ May 27, 2019

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