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The worst game ever made

Hey did you play fortnite?

No i have braincells, also if you do we are no longer friends.

by Pixelated64 May 23, 2019


a "game" that has a fanbase full of nine year olds

wow fortnite is so lame y'all should start playing some real games

by c_armstrong_906 May 22, 2021


people with guns flossing.

that guy is a fortniter

by bob tim buck tim bob February 25, 2019



"Oh shoot! i got Fortnite!"

by hated for being a weeb September 6, 2020


Fortnite is for benders that can’t find love so they have to result to a game like fortnite, if you play fortnite you are an autistic cunt who sucked horse tranquilliser out of your ass

“Hey Julie wanna play fortnite with one of my other friend who has downs?”
“Fuck off julie you fat ginger twat get tested you squeaky bitch”

by Im dishwasher safe January 1, 2020


Some gay ass game only Horny teenagers play because they get turned on by cartoon asses and pay 6000 dollar to wank at some shit hole skins if it was first person no body would play it

coen bought the Madison skin in fortnite And go turned on if ya know what I mean

by DrM3NZ3L August 25, 2020


A game that was overrated from the start. Annoying ass kids still play the dead game. Usually around 8-12 years of age. Basically its cancer

Hey wanna play Fortnite because we don't have a life ?

by xX69URmum69Xx December 12, 2020