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Muffin top

An extremely rude insult to a person with an oversized midriff.

Can be used to discribe someone with a short blunt cock and small full-moon plate sized boobs.

You muffin top

Omg he must have a muffin top dick

Ewwww muffin top

by Seabass101 May 20, 2019

Muffin Top

Muffin Top: The disgusting amount of flab which one cannot keep holstered within one's pants. Mainly needs a makeshift brace/belt of some sort. See also: Muffin Man; Weightloss; Disgrace to ones bakery.

Overly tight jeans with no excess room. Flab overflowing from top of pants; Muffin Top

by Jewboy68 March 12, 2014

Muffin Top

When a couple or two people are having sex and the receiver eats a muffin while the giver put their hands on the receiver's neck and chokes them. This causes the receiver to "double choke" as they are choking from the muffin and the giver's hands at the same time while receiving pleasure below.

"I was getting muffin topped during sex! Dammit Jon!"

by Selaphiel December 24, 2018

Muffin top

A chick with a name like Jasper usually has a muffin top.

Jasper's friend-Don't point out to Jasper she has a muffin top, she's the wrong one.
Asshole-Or what?

by Solid Mantis June 22, 2018

Muffin Top

When a girl scrunches her stomach fat together (muffin top) like a taco and jacks you off with it.

“Damn, I got great muffin top last night by this BBW, dude it was so hot

by Stankman February 24, 2020

from the top of my head

I think it's meaning is "the first thing or things that come to your head when it comes to name someone or something inside a context"

- Can you name three emperors of Rome?

- Augustus, Nero, Marcus Aurelius...from the top of my head, now.

by Pink Bunkadoo November 2, 2020

Top Mostest

To love something more than anything else ever, used as a response to "mostest". Cannot be topped by any word or phase.

Person 1- "I Love you mostest"
Person 2- "I love you top mostest" (unbeatable)

by mrer October 27, 2020