Great for burning down a house
"I used fire to commit arson"
Used as a verb, when someone angrily or aggressively yells at, screams on or insults you as if their mouth were a gun and their words were bullets. The leading cause of arguments turning into physical altercations especially in public.
"We fired shots at each other back and forth on mixtapes but when I saw him at the mall suddenly it was just music."
"The waitress at Red Lobster smiled at me and my girl just started firing on her automatically! Man I had to pull her up outta there."
"I ain't for the games today bo, I'ma fire on the first person who even look at me stupid!"
Anglicised version of a dumpster fire; a disater.
Buying that wet belt engined car has turned out to be a total bin fire.
when a worker is nudged out by a manager who can’t fire you but is making your job increasingly unpleasant and unrewarding, or slowly cutting your hours more and more
“Hey man, the boss cut me down to 2 shifts this month. He just cut me back to 3 shifts last month, and is constantly riding me while i’m at work. I’m getting quietly fired!”
It is the best way to STRIKE UP a wonderful rapport with FIRE ANTS.
I need to tell THE CHAINSMOKERS that a FIRE ANTS RIMJOB is a no fail NATURAL SEX ACT of forever attraction of these very intelligent creatures.
A really good looking bitch. But is a bit of a slag.
She will cheat on you.
She's a fire hoes!
The only computer repair place in this town except for geek squad (who would go there?! seriously..) that has online technical support. Plus, it's FREE!
dog-on-fire agent: Hi, welcome!
customer: hi.. I was wanting some repair work done..
dog-on-fire agent: great! I'm in the process of putting up an online calendar so you can tentativly schedule appointments. For now though just go ahead and describe the issues so we can figure out a solution.
customer: ...