When you put your hands down a girl's pants and find she is a man.
Trans Bangkok
Chad: "I thought I met this girl at the club..."
Aron: "What happened?"
Chad: "I startled rustling through the bush and found berries."
Aron: "Did you taste them? "
Hog bush is when a male eats out a female with a big bush and oinks into her pussy.
Amy's pussy was so furry, I had to hog bush that snatch.
The George W. Bush Egg Theory, initially coined by David Andrew Gosnell, attempts to give insight into the purpose of human life. Based on David Andrew Gosnell’s version of the George W. Bush Egg Theory, every human to ever exist is simply a reincarnation of George W. Bush. This world, as we know it, is made for George W. Bush and only George W. Bush.
George W. Bush Egg Theory is the truth
The name given when urinating onto a bush, preferably when you are dehydrated and your urine is yellow, creating a visual metaphor of the Biblical passage.
Moses: 'Wow look! Johnny's creating The Burning Bush'
James: 'Wow, how cool'
When pubes are overgrown and or crazy
I need to trim my wild bush it's ridiculous
A person and/or object that smacks/whacks bushes and hedges
person 1: *smacks random bush*
person 2: "bush-whacker."
person 1: "yeah I know."
Short and less offensive way to say "to talk bullshit".
Peter: Steven said that there were WMD's in Iraq.
Tony: Oh, he was just talking bush.