When someone's hair is comically without texture, a guy that uses mathematical concepts and the golden ratio to make his hair attract the least bitches possible, combs his hair and makes it look like plastic, uses gel like it's free and normally does shitty haircuts that make his face even more horrendous than it is, normally happens to white rich boys who think they have the best haircut in a 5 mile radius
"Jack thinks he's rocking his new haircut and style but little does he know it's just rich boy hair"
To indicate ones acceptance to take intercourse in the anus.
See those two lines in hair ? That dude fucks but he fucks dudes!
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Matted hair is when your hair gets so fucking tangled that it looks like lumps of hair on your head, it can also look like your hair is super wet and icky.
"Man that kid needs to cut their hair, it's so matted and no one wants MATTED HAIR
The patch of hair thats grown directly under your bottom lip, that catches food that falls from your mouth.
If it wasnt for my hair-bib, that food wouldve gotten all over my shirt.
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A person, typically female who is going bald but still has a Brillo pad hairdo or combover.
Tina is a real Nine Hair with that fuzzy combover.
One whom simply cannot bare the very thought of tangled, messy, or even slightly unkempt hair.
Stop threatening me with a hair-cut! You're being such a hair sissy about this!