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The most fittest boy in the school. He has lots of friends and everyone loves him. He has brown eyes and very tall. He can be nice at times when you don't get on his bad side, but if you do manage to get on his bad side, he's a very good arguer!

Girl: "Uhm, are you okay?"
Me: *screaming on the floor* "Harris just talked to me!!"
Girl: "who's Harris?"
Me: *points* "Him. He's sooo fit!"
Girl: "OMG he's in all of my classes I'm getting with him"

by March 23, 2021


The most amazing boy you'll ever meet and the most popular one, kind to everyone, cutest guy you've ever seen, best style ever, makes your heart sink every time you look at him, always makes you happy no matter what state your in, gives you butterflies every time you see him, can always put a smile on your face. He is full of surprises and hidden talents.

Harris is a type of person I admire.

by Jackkcameron December 3, 2019


An absolute mad ed. Cant roll a very good j. Terrible driver. Got kicked off the tools now a keyboard warrior. He’s a gimp.

Don’t bother Harri

by Fishdog November 23, 2021


an annoying prick who verbally abuses people

oh look there's harri

by terms of service apply July 19, 2022


My husband, hes great. I love him x

Hey Harri, want me to send you money for train?

by ITSME.COM December 2, 2024


Harri is an adjective for someone who is extremely irritating and annoying, tries to be quirky and different from the rest and love to burp in ur face while stuffing her face with food that somebody else bought for her, she loves to scratch her arms and fill the air with her skin flakes, someone with red hair is commonly called harri and is even more annoying, generally someone is is obbessed with people called brandon, ollie and morgan. someone who wastes there money on teddies and generally ponces of other peoples dispos but doesn’t let anyone use hers.

‘that girl with red hair is so irritating
‘don’t worry that’s just harri

by lucas muller x September 8, 2022


Literally one of the sweetest nicest people in the world. Good at sports and sass. He’s cute even if he doesn’t think he is. Loves cats and is quiet at first but with time will warm up to you. He doesn’t have a lot of friends but the ones he does have are never going away because they have seen the good and the bad. If you have a Harris in your life treat him well.

Did you see Harris’s new friends?
Ya they aren’t going anywhere.

by L5332 August 9, 2022