Source Code

Reverse Centaur

3 people must be involved, one male urinates into a 2nd party’s nose, the third person drinks from the opposite nostril. Like a forbidden netty pot.

Zack urinated into Jeff’s right nostril as Ryan gulped it from left as it exited. They loved doing the reverse centaur.

by Lord Bobbicus January 30, 2025

Reverse poof

When a man farts into a girl's vagina.

Man did you see on pornhub that guy did a reverse poof.

by Daddywhitebigpoof March 29, 2020

Reverse shotgun

Throwing up after shot gunning a beer. Still cold... “it’s just physics bro”

Yoder just reverse shotgun that Coors Light

by WardMaMa August 9, 2019

reverse snitch

When you snitch on yourself sometimes it's also called ripping the Truth off someone

He got her to reverse snitch on how she got him fired

by Swaggy Jeff September 20, 2022

reverse transsexual

A woman which hath transformed her sex into that of a male.

"My guys looked like a bunch of reverse transsexual bitches fighting tonight. A bunch of bitches pretending to be men in the ring."

-Don Frye

by DJ Flight October 17, 2007

Reverse bachtree

Reverse bachtree is a word used in Toronto/Mississauga . which is a scenario where one male is getting dealt with by 2 females

1.Yo shordy how bout u and your friend come here for a reverse bachtree.

2. Guy1- Aye man last night jenny and jasmine were all on me
Guy2 - Sounds like u got a reverse bachtree

by Mandom factory August 11, 2019

Reverse Egg

When an egg has a white yolk and a yellow egg white

I started making scrambled eggs then i realized i had a batch of reverse eggs

by canteberry April 12, 2010