is when u look up porn u are wierd and want a boner
fuck u bitch so ya bro love porn hen tai
Something you should watch ten times a day.
Jd just watched porn for the 10th time today.
A fun and educational kids' genre that is great for developing minds. Recommended for 3+.
1. Hey, want to watch Peppa pig.
2. Nah I like Peppa porn more.
What you watch when your parents aren't around.
PORN IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In future when Cumulative Human Intelligence (CHI) exists, porn is the merging and connection of CHI. CHI is private way to engage in porn or sexual intercoarse with other individual, often times without the will of the other.
Man, having real sex leads to true relationship and commitment, I'd rather do porn privately in CHI. I'm gonna CHI with a chick I like.
A thing that every boy watches at least once to fulfill their pleasures of hormones. Here's a example of porn:
Porn 1
Sally: Hey Wilbur! Why did you invite me here?
Wilbur pushes her against the wall
Wilbur: I've been wanting to do this for so long...
He starts making out with her
This soon turns into his dick pumping in and out of her pussy, with her moaning so much that its not even funny
After they finish, they agree to do this every Saturday and Sally leaves.