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1-10 female attractiveness scale

A scale used to estimate female attractiveness from 1 to 10, where 1 is completely ugly and 10 is perfect. It's often said that 10/10 is inexistent.

A: Wow, check out that chick! She's at least 8 of 10!
B: Are you kidding? 5/10 is her limit.
A: Oh man, your 1-10 female attractiveness scale differs so much from mine.

by TheEntertainingOne September 17, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

This is a things that people use when they are looking for someone to date, bored or in a very unusual case a hobby. Whether you realise you use it or not you always think, is that woman attractive? Now the easy way is to rate someone from 1-10, 1 being blindingly ugly and 10 bening stunningly beautiful.

I things she's a 7 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale

by TheWordMister September 15, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness scale

A range of numbers used to accurately describe the attractiveness of a female.

The number "1" is the bottom of the scale. It is also the ugliest a girl can be rated. A 10 is the top of the scale and is also the hottest a girl can be rated.

yo did you see barissa? god shes ugly, defintiely a 2. But did you Amanda? Damn! shes so hot. Totally a 10. using this 1-10 Female Attractiveness scale i can now tell all my friends who the thicc hoes be!

by wassupfam August 31, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A mind scale on how hot/ugly the female is

Example of 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

Damn! Look at jade shes a 10!!

Eww that ugly girl over there isn't even a 1!

by HotCockSandwhich October 1, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

A male subconsciously rates a females attractiveness from 1-10 by looking at her, perhaps passing in the street, by analysing the features.... most commonly scanning the behind area.

Graham: (walks past hot girl in street)
( brain automatically activates the 1-10 female attractiveness scale

Graham: hmmmm ? A solid 7.5

by Blondybonder September 27, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

A system of quantifying how attractive a female is by placing her on a scale of 1-10, with ten being the most hot and one being grotesquely unattractive.

Matt: Yo, I think sarah is pretty hot!
Josh: Yeah, I'd say 8 out of 10 in the 1-10 female attractiveness scale.

by MeltedMig August 31, 2016

1-10 Female attractiveness scale.

A scale used to determine a woman's beauty.

shes hot a 10 for sure on the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale.

by that fat guy September 18, 2016