The store in your kitchen where you make awesome pancakes and make loud foreign noises. Kids love it, right between Sbarro and Arby's.
Get down here we're going to Au Bon Pancakes!!!
Hes A YouTuber that does random ass videos and he had some channel changes So subscribe to him or he will find you....
I like Shadow Bon's
When a prolific writer gets computer elbow, often referred to as tennis elbow, and then it happens in the other elbow. This sometimes chronic condition receives its name from the rock star Bon Jovi because the elbows are the fringe of the body and like Bon Jovi in a fringe jacket, 'bow pain can jump and have you Livin' on a Prayer.
Damn, my right tennis elbow was hurt so bad but now my left one is killing me. Must've been a Jon Bon Bow Jump!
Halfway there.
This is such a long drive, we’ve been on the road for four hours and haven’t reached the Bon Jovi point yet!
AKA know as 2D 1W 3B. or DOUBLE DS W TRIPLE BS
1- When a girl is feeling horny for another girls tits. You might think that bc this word has DONG in it that it is about a male but no.
2- When guys are gay they are called GAY WADS but girls are lesbian they are called DONG DONG WONG BONG BING BON
EWWWWW I wish Hayley wasn't a Dong Dong Wong Bong Bing Bon so she would take the big DDDDDD!!
Last night Hayley was feeling my tits!!! "Omg she was doing the Dong Dong Wong Bong Bing Bon!!!!!!!"
I looked at these girls and I was like I don't want to get none of you pregnant and then I was like I choose bon wheat.
Without bon wheat I might have had a baby, bon wheat is the best way to go, bon wheat shows me righteousness, I have integrity with sex in bon wheat, when I chose bon wheat the girl had like seven orgasms.