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i'm so crown

I have attained a level of success so high that it is parallel only to that of royalty;

Only difference being, I worked my ass off to get here!

As said in Beyonce's track Flawless/Bow Down, "I'm so crown, bow down bitches!"

by Kween Kay Thirst Kwencher January 17, 2014

Crown Vic Uber

The official vehicle of law enforcement ridesharing. Minimal wait times, unprecedented pickup accuracy, but pretty inflexible when it comes to choosing a destination.

Jose got pretty drunk and rowdy at the bar last night, so some kind soul called him a Crown Vic Uber .

by mehdontdoit August 14, 2017

47๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ford Crown Victoria

The Ford Crown Victoria was first introduced as a luxury trim package on Ford LTD's in 1981. It became it's own model in 1983 and became very popular with Senior Citizens, Police, Taxi companies, and other fleet use. The boxy body style is probably the best ever, and was made until 1991. In 1992 an all new Crown Victoria was offered, which featured round aero styling. It was rounded out even more in 1998 (it's last restyle), and by the 2000's the full size RWD sedan had completly fallen out of favor. Majority of sales were for fleet and police use, and the Crown Victoria was discontinued in 2011.

Ford's making a huge mistake discontinuing the Ford Crown Victoria. Cabbies and Police need a large car like that.

by Metalhead83 December 4, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crown Model Management

Crown Model Management is the xxx-branch of one of the largest mainstream talent agencies in the world.

The Crown basically manufacturers new porn stars, such as Kya Tropic.

A friend of mine wanted to get into the entertainment industry, so I told her to apply with Crown Model Management.

by CrownKing May 17, 2009

233๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burger King crown

something you should NEVER wear on a plane

POV: you are a white man wearing a Burger King crown on a plane
you: she kneed me in the stomach

by super trop beau May 7, 2021

37๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crown Princess Victoria

The future queen of Sweden who almost lost her crown
to her younger brother before the law was changed so that
the oldest child would become monarch, regardless of gender.

She has a very sassy daughter and hot husband and basically
comes from a beautiful family. She's way more popular than
her father, King Carl Gustav.

Person 1: "Did you know that Mary Ellen almost lost her father's inheritence to her younger brother?"
Person 2: "Yeah, she's such a Crown Princess Victoria now."

by mileyissaucy November 20, 2013

163๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crown Russe Vodka

An extremely cheap and popular vodka. One handle goes for roughly $9-12 and tastes awful, but after a few shots, it doesn't matter. Good to mix in drinks and get drunk fast.

A choice among college students on a budget.

"Get me a handle of Crown Russe Vodka... I don't need to break the bank to get trashed tonight."

by kmeister February 25, 2007

67๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž