Doc lingo is language doctors or medical staff may use to communicate and is not understood by the general population as they did not attend a medical school which teaches them these phrases.
“Hey Doc can you grab the electronic pulse omission reader please”. Normal unqualified people won’t understand this Doc lingo.
One Who smokes ciggarettes often, partucularly Newports and Menthols
An annoying Resident/Medical Student or otherwise non-helpful entity that come between the Surgeon and the Surgical Technologist and impedes advancement of the procedure due to their lack of experience.
That new Surgery Resident is a Doc Blocker!!!
means Most Definitely, For Sure
Most Definitely is broken down into M.D. which is the abbreviation for medical Doctor, which then is shortened to "Doc"
Then For Sure is shortened to "Fosh"
"do you want to go to the club tonight?"
"Doc Fosh"