To be or feel Doug is the epitome of happiness and joy to all good men. Doug is a dog who did a dig and spreads eternal joy to all good men.
Wow Stan I’m having such a Doug day! Yes James I feel extra Doug today, merry Doug-mas to all good men.
The definition of a true dick.
That did is a total doug Muich.
A fat Guy, that loves to Lie, and manipulate everyone, Loves to talk about kidbehindAcamera, Beourguest and others. When you ask him for proof, he will turn against you and talk shit back. Also Snorts like a pig when he lies.
Hey Francisco, have you seen Omar?
Francisco: Last time I seen him he pulled a Doug west.
an old guy who does not accept his baldness, because of a few scattered hairs.
my father is going bald, but now he is Doug Style.
Captain chug it always fuckin them bitches stealing them riches burnin through witches, a stylish G named by the people loved by all never shall he fall into anything but good pussy!
Nice meth pipe god doug it and I dig it too!
When your playing golf and you take the shittest shot.
Swinging the club super hard but the ball only moves 4 feet. Fucking douged it.