Buying something online that you can't, or don't want to explain.
I didn't mean to buy all that porn. Someone must have performed a Jedi mind click on me.
In skateboarding, an anti-Casper (nollie Casper flip) pressure flip. While rolling nollie the board does an Casper flip with out popping (pressure flip) nor feet touching the ground
Johnny was the first kid I ever saw do a jedi-flip, that shit was dope!
Mixed drink with vodka/tequila, white claw and cranberry juice with cherries.
I’d like to order two Bug Eye Jedi’s please
Chris Jedi is the same Inna d’ La ghetto Daddy Yankee/ cartel Récords top chief promotor
Chris Jedi is the Ingrid d’ la ghetto
Chris Jedi is the same Inna d’ La ghetto Daddy Yankee/ cartel Récords top chief promotor
Chris Jedi is the Ingrid d’ la ghetto
Some extremely crazy or weird shit
My dad got involved in some Mexican Jedi shit after his phone became useless and he was looking for some ways to fix it