The process of billing insurance, worker's compensation, or patients for medical services rendered. Involves a lot of red tape required by HIPAA laws and insurance company policies and an unconscionable number of forms.
My boss thinks that medical billing is the same as accounting.
not a whole bunch to say other than they have drugs in them and their brownies, 10/10 tho of course if its legal;)
person 1; were did all my brownies go mom?
person 2; it was potluck at church so I brought them, why?
person1 ; mom they were medicated brownies
person 2; what does that mean?
Often said by old creepy men, this phrase means that the person it is spoken to or about, is so gorgeous that the creepy man can hardly hold their temptation.
This phrase in its nature is enforcing rape-culture and one of those phrases that can slide by under the radar if you don’t stop to think about it.
My darling you are medication for temptation. You just so beautiful
You fucking hear this guy? This is why I don't believe rich people are particularly intelligent.
Hym "He says 'medical treatments shouldn't not be based on feelings' and he says it in relationship to trannies. Ok... ALL NON-WOUND MEDICAL TREATMENT... Is predicated on 'feeling.' Your internal state is deviating from (either) your previous internal state OR the base-line internal state of the average person. It's all predicated on a self-reported non-concordance between yourself and one of those two internal states. And BEYOND THAT... ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT... Is predicated on 'feelings.' The entire practice. (Unless (of course) your one of the online therapy hacks downstream of Jordan Peterson, in which case, you just aren't treated and are just told to replace your current source of dopamine with things they would subjectively rather see people do). So no. He's retarded. That's a retarded thing to think. That thought can only exist within a retarded mind. This is what I mean when I say these people a solipsistic. They do not accept the legitimacy of the internal beings of other people."
Holding someone in a mental institution
They putting you in Therapy is not medical kidnapping
A term used as an excuse to have Redbull in class. The teacher doesn't believe that the Redbull is for a medical condition, they just don't care. The student believes that they bamboozled the teacher, and will brag about it.
Teacher: "Jediah, you can't have your Redbull in class."
Jediah: "It's for my medical condition."
Clara: "Typical Jediah with his medical Redbull."
An individual who prepares and cleans a deceased body for the funeral
We need to arrange for a Medical Bailiff before the funeral