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Sadie’s are kind, sweet and undeservingly loyal to all those she blesses with her company.

However, Sadie’s are often extreme social recluses and have little friends because of it.

They prefer their own company to most and rarely leave their bedrooms, often confined to their bed due to their lack of social skills. However, Sadie’s thrive in this environment. They have a large appetite and love high calorie foods to sustain their long days in bed, where they indulge themselves to avoid social interactions. Sadie’s also have very nice hair.

Guy1: did Sadie come into school today?
Guy2: no I think she slept in again.
Guy1: damn. Classic Sadie tho.

by Phlinghambodem December 23, 2023


no words


by MisterAitch November 18, 2020


sadie narc

Hey you see sadie she’s such a narc don’t trust her .

by Xoxo ilhan April 21, 2020


Sadie is the name of the most beautiful girl. She doesn’t realize she is pretty, but all the guys want her. Huge ass, huge boobs, and although she is hit on a lot she doesn’t generally get with many. She values friendships and talking to people. People come to her when they have a problem and she solves them, and listens to the other person even if they aren’t close. Sadie prefers time spent with her loved ones over hanging out alone. She loves being held and she talks so much that your ear will fall off. She has been used and hurt and just needs some love and attention. She means well and if you have a Sadie in your life don’t let her go. She can get hurt easily but won’t always show it. If she is comfortable around you and breaks her shell, DONT LET HER GO.

Man-Wow who’s that beautiful girl over there laughing and talking to that group?
Man friend-That’s Sadie. She is the most perfect person. Great friend.

You should talk to her.

Man-I will not let her go

by pizza183$4838383 August 4, 2023


A Sadie is someone who is a total hoe and can’t settle for a boy. Even though she can’t decide, she’s still a decently good friend. Despite the fact that she might spread rumors about you. Be careful around a Sadie!

You are such a Sadie.

by Ndudjjdr November 14, 2019


A girl who is obsessed with J names. She can rap well and is pretty short.

Guy 1: “Hey man I think I like Sadie”
Guy 2: “dude she’s your girlfriend.”

by Crustytoasthair April 13, 2022


sadie is the most beautiful girl you will ever come across no matter how hurt she is she will always find a way to look out for you. No matter how hurt she is she will always treat you right she has soft kind reassuring words and even tho she’s a little monosyllabic there is lots a feeling behind those few words. sadie is one of the most drop dead gorgeous girl out there she will have you wrapped around her finger with her effortless beauty she is truly gentle and genuine if you tell sadie something she will remember and think about you when she sees something you know you would like if you ever find a sadie never give up on her and always treat her well cause she deserves it with how much she’s been through

friend: how are you and sadie

you: she’s amazing and so sweet she remembered something i told her i like months ago

by 2t0ne January 26, 2024