Something that is so disgustingly hideous it is comparable to sin itself, not necessarily physically ugly, something so disturbingly ugly it makes your stomach churn.
1. The old renault Twingo is as ugly as sin.
2. Jesus Christ that girl is as ugly as sin.
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The face people make when they're having an orgasm, and the face people make when exercising and trying to get just one more repetition.
woman: "Keep it right there babe, I'm Cumming!"
man: Get it, get it! Get that Ugly Face!
Weight lifter: "No more! No more! I can't!
Trainer: "Dig deep Ron! Give me one more! Put on your Ugly Face! One more!!!"
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A perjorative term for someone so ugly, so exceedingly unattractive. that he or she is as "ugly as a butt" (a misnomer, since many buttocks are beautiful indeed). A popular teen-age slang term since the 80s, "butt-ugly" most probably began as military slang c. World War II. Probably because enlisted men found nothing attractive about another enlisted man's hairy, sweaty, very possibly pimpled butt!
That dude is so butt-ugly that just the sight of him makes me wanna puke!
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When you are laughing soo hard that you look in the mirror or catch a glance at your reflection and the awkward and ugly face you make. Usually you laugh even harder for the ugly face that you HAVE to make when laughing that hard.
"Oh my God, when I saw that girl pee her pants on the dance floor I couldn't help but to laugh. Then, I realized it was my girlfriend and I started ugly laughing."
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Used to describe any person who entered a relationship beautiful and full of life, but who left said relationship worn and drained of their vitality due to rough intercourse.
1) Yo, Britney used to be the new hotness, but K-Fed fucked her ugly.
2) What's up with Lindsey Lohan? She looks like she was fucked ugly...
3) Remember Kat? Well, she used to be hot, but after she got with that dude, she was fucked way ugly.
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Rude, abrasive and nationalistic Australians who come to your country and constantly rip everything you love while telling you how wonderful and faultless their country is.
Ugly Australians say things like we ONLY watch our TV and NEVER watch American TV or movies because they're so bad.
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