A vacuum cleaner with a French accent, this item has supposedly never existed before and won't ever. so technically this word exists for no reason
I spotted the legendary French vacuum
this is when you fart and immediately after that, fresh air enters your anus. this is because there is no more air in your anus. this can only happen if you are in a certain position with your anus spread.
Oh shit Bro I just took a shit but I got a vacuum fart
A drink made of equal parts beer, vodka, apple juice and carrot juice (acronym:
I drank a bee vacuum for breakfast and the rest is a blur.
A fighting move in the sport of Keijo. Performed by spinning your hips and gaining a large amount of momentum, then jumping in the air and whipping them the other direction. This causes a massive rush of air directly towards the opponent, which if not dodged properly, sends them flying off the land (platform people play keijo on)
"Dammit, I'm about to fall off the land...
Time to use...
“Make sure to vacuum thoroughly”
“Dad, stop backseat vacuuming!”
The e-quiet that remains when contemporaries, formerly heavily involved in friendly email exchanges whilst one should have been working, quit or are laid off.
bored_corporate_drone@workplace.com: hey guys. good weekend?
bored_corporate_drone@workplace.com: hahahahaha! check this out: (inserts web link of random youtube video or mildly interesting news article)
bored_corporate_drone@workplace.com: hellooooooo? anyone out there?
bored_corporate_drone@workplace.com: pah. stupid banter vacuum.
the sexual act of putting your mouth against your partner's asshole and sucking their shit out of them.
"Damn baby you're pretty good with the vacuum cleaner."
"Richard I'm so sick of your sexist jokes."