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Kidz Bop

Kidz Bop.

1. A series of CD's, now on their 18th CD, featuring children attempting to sing the recent pop hits. A soccermom may buy this for her first-grade children to listen to in the van on the way to soccer practice. Most of these "rising stars" (aka Kidz Bop children) were found at Chuck E Cheese, putt-putt golf, the movie theater watching a G-rated movie, or sometimes a lemonade stand in the Midwest. These "rising stars" are fired once a) they begin to go through puberty, b) they go to 4th grade, and c) they begin to listen to decent music instead of Hannah Montana. The voices of these "rising stars" are too high, and often dripping with faux emotion.

2. Someone stuck in the 2nd grade who thinks that Kidz Bop is cool and is all around childish.

1. "Dude, do you have that new Kidz Bop CD?"

"No, Dude, I don't listen to that shit."

2. "Have you even met her? She's such a Kidz Bop."

"She threw a fit because there weren't any red crayons... She's so Kidz Bop."

by Lil Miss Magic June 29, 2009

248๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kodak bop

A dance invented by South Florida rapper Kodak Black. The Kodak bop is popular in Broward County.

Boy#1: Wtf are you doing bruh?
Boy#2: I'm doing the Kodak bop.

by LilZoeVert August 8, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ziggly Bop

Another common phrase used by world-famous boshkalay bong bong-er D'Aydrian Harding.

Boshkalay Bong bong, Ziggly Bop, Bop Jiggly Bop Joggly.

by IceVSin May 11, 2023

128๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bussy bopping

When one is listening to music, (or just in a hyper mood) they let their surroundings become irrelevant and start doing random movements. such as dancing harshly, or head-banging to EXTREME levels.

it's also a crankthatfrank thing

Amy was bussy bopping so hard that she nearly broke a window!

by Brooklynn Quinn November 18, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

kidz bop

n. a horribly produced CD made to give the children of today a censored verson of all the top hits-- with different singers. I believe most of the singers were picked up off the street somewhere, because none of their voices belong on a CD. Period. See cruel and unusual punishment

"Mommy, mommy, Joey said that my Kidz Bop Tape bleeps out the word f*ck in that Puddle of Mudd song!"

by RogueRising August 14, 2003

1036๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

schibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yes

schibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yes

schibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yesschibidi bop bop bop bop yes yes yes yes

by hhehehehhehehehhehe March 9, 2023

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diddy bopping

To walk using dance steps; in the Vietnam War it was used to mean walking carelessly whilst on patrol, to move through enemy territory without paying attention to your surroundings and thus putting the other members of the patrol at risk.
By extension to move or act without considering the effect on others.

See that dumbass on point? Asshole's diddy bopping like 'e's in 'is own backyard! Fucker's gonna get us all killed!
Number ten! You gonna k-bar the fucker?

by Croatalin November 6, 2013

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