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Democratic Underground

An online political message board. Supposedly intended for liberals, it's home to nearly as many conservative disruptors as members of its target audience. In the case of the Gun Control and Right to Keep and Bear Arms forum, it's home to many MORE disruptors than genuine members. Some of these trolls last for years accumulating literally tens of thousands of posts before they are banned. Note that I specified 'banned' instead of 'detected', as the troublemakers are usually recognized as such far before they are eliminated. And for every slackmaster, dfk or jody that eventually gets tombstoned, there's a hack89, Lurks Often, or Far Center that remains.

The reason for this lax approach to enemies is not easy to discern. Perhaps there is some benefit (site traffic) to the owners in keeping around those who stir the pot. Ironically, in maintaining a liberal board where conservatives are tolerated, the website resembles an open forum whose members are nearly equal divided between the two sides. Which says a lot about the state of political discourse on the Internet.

Jimbo, I've been posting on Democratic Underground for ten years, and they haven't eliminated me yet!

by Dave the Disruptor April 5, 2014

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Typical democrat

Some who talks about someone more then when he was in office someone and says won but he didn't win the it but some how is still in office

That typical democrat is over there taking to someone else

by Thatrepulican20 July 29, 2021

96๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.someone who spams urban dictionary slandering other political parties and makes sure to add a definition to the democrat page to make themselves feel better about being mentally retarded
2.someone who hates republicans but joins the other dark side instead of being in a third party.
3. someone intolerant that stereotypes and calls other political parties ignorant.
4.Obama democrat-see socialist queef

man 1-isn't the new president great?
man1-What!? how do you not like him? he solved American poverty, ended the economic crisis, and made us the top country in the world.
man2-im a democrat.

by randompersonyousawonthestreet2 May 14, 2010

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Democratically Elected

Modern Usage has transgressed somewhat from the (original definition) - An individual or group of individuals brought to power by a majority vote of the electorate.
For modern usage See: Bush(USA), Mugabe(Zimbabwe), Gordon Brown(UK), Thein Sein (burma), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad(iran), Vladimir Putin& Dmitry Medvedev (Russia) Jalal TALABANI (Iraq) who have all been Democratically Elected in the past few years. Scary isn't it?

Your grandfather, somebody's son, a woman's husband, a father and thousands like him died in a war fighting for the right to freedom and democracy. I'm so pleased we have all upheld those morals so that we can all say that our leaders are Democratically Elected (see farce)!

by lisa_urban May 16, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coastal Democrat

Philosophically ultra liberal Democrats living along the east coast of the United States from Boston to Washington, DC, and along the west coast from Seattle to San Diego generally out of touch with Democrats living in the middle of the United States.

The coastal democrats didn't understand why there were so many democrats in the midwest who voted for Donald Trump.

by riskdoctor2 August 16, 2017

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Champagne Democrat

Noun: A person who identifies themselves with the American left-wing political movement while hypocritically exhibiting financial and social behaviour to the contrary. Often found in affluent upper middle-class communities across the United States.

1.) That Champagne Democrat would vote for John Kerry in the presidential elections, but ask for a tax write-off when making a negligable donation to charity.

2.) The Champagne Democrats across the street placed a "Save Darfur" sign on their well-manicured lawn next to their hybrid vehicle parked inside their four car garage within their mansion.

by Elvishfarmer July 1, 2006

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Socialist Democrat

The current party politicians that rely on corruption, deceit, and lies to try to deceive the American population into becoming China's property. They try to attain absolute power so they can force the populous into a welfare state, so the populous is dependent on the government.

Tim: These draconian lockdowns are killing the economy.
Sarah: yeah, these damn socialist democrats are trying to turn the whole country into California, and New York.
Tim: We better learn mandarin....

by Texas_Patriot January 22, 2021

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