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A word describing the part of a human brain which calculates distances in social situations. An example is someone missing the "Distance-brain". They might not know how close or how far they should walk to other people.

Guy 1 doesn't have the "Distance-brain" and walks into the guy in front.
Guy 2 "Wtf!!! Are you missing your distance-brain or something?"

by Jjadfi August 23, 2017

long distance goatee

The long distance goatee is grown when a guy enters a long distance relationship with a girl who moves away. It's the intermediary to the break up beard and the guy will be able to grow in the sides of his face easily once she dumps him.

Joe grew a long distance goatee when his girlfriend moved to Reno. He new he was getting dumped soon so he wanted to be able to grow a beard at a moments notice.

by Waltz69 June 30, 2015

nose picking distance

Close enough to something or someone that you could pick that thing's nose with little effort, typically used in exaggeration.

I'm in nose picking distance of the house.

by ThereAren'tAnyNamesLeft January 6, 2018

long distance bae

Having a bae, even though it is long-distance. You may not get to see eachother at all. It takes alot of time, energy and money, but it's sometimes worth it.

Me: Are you still with Ashley?

Him: Yeah, we're trying to make our long distance bae thing work.

by TimFishyboy July 8, 2015

Long Distance Dick Punch

See dick punch.

The act of conducting a dick punch through the use of a contractor, agent or third-party proxy to conduct the dick punch upon a predefined person at the dick punch requesting parties demand or fee for service engagement. The need for a person to receive a dick punch may occur, despite the fact that the dick punchee may be physically located at a considerable distance from the dick punchee. A long distance dick punch can be achieved through the use of a dick punching service provider.

Blaine's video chat response about equal pay was so outlandish that he deserved a dick punch, but unfortunately he lives in Florida and I live in Connecticut... so I payed Doug, a neighbor of Blaine, to act on my behalf and give Blaine a long distance dick punch on my behalf.

by JlevEsq July 30, 2021

Distance looks

-when someone is looking good from a distance.

-dude, that girl totally had the distance looks, but was ugly close up.

by bridal guru September 21, 2016

Humanity distancing

Individuals with significant advantages who distance themselves from the rest of humanity by advocating policies that create unfair advantages for themselves and multiple barriers to others such as those in the middle and lower classes and/or minorities. Instead of playing fair and getting their share based on effort they want unfair advantages for themselves when dividing up the pie, when taking risks, and when needing to be bailed out. They also want distance themselves from the rules and to rig the systems of justice and rules against the collective body of humans.

Humanity distancing policies favoring a few of the richest of the rich narcissists to maintain a safe distance above the others in society to assure that the downward pressure from above and a trickling supply downward to those below them have only enough to get by and have a significant number of constraints to prevent the majority from rising above and improving their situation.

by mlhiss April 7, 2020