When you stand in between two people and tap both of them but only talk to one of them.
Emily: hey guys (butterfly motion)
Nicole & Clare: yes
Emily: (tells secret to Clare only. Nicole rolls her eyes and punches Emily.)
Daomarion Aka Dj is the true definition of an attractive motion-getter. He only wants one female, and that’s Tiffani he’s is so loyal and handsome that any girl would be happy to be friends with him or date him.
I really like you, and your amazing, your so Attractive motion getter young man
The team name from The Big Bang Theory. According to Howard Wolowitz, it is beyond the law of physics and, plus, a little heads for the ladies because they can go all night.
For an awesome team name, we should be the perpetual motion squad or pms for short.
Anything between two people that deems their actions as aggressive.
Also could mean those two people are having sex
Those two crack head's are greating each other with lots of aggravated motion. Last night we had some aggravated motion
Having sexual relations somewhere deemed illegal by police.
Mike was caught taking it up the butt at the public park. He was charged with illegal motion in his backfield.
A type of lubricant that is used for pulling wire or can also be used while tugging on your pencil dick. Also know as boy butter, soap and pookie!
"Hey Scott! Hurry up and bring that motion lotion over here and grab handfulls of it and rub it all over the wire while they start the tugger!"
"While Scott was busy working feeding the wire into the conduit, Jerry was rubbing his own motion lotion all over a girl's minge to bang one out inside her pussy!