Marco. Marco has the cutest smile you’ll ever see. He speaks soft words and gives the most comfortable hugs. He always asks to hold hands when walking or sitting together. Before he leaves he’ll look at you with his gorgeous eyes and ask for one last goodbye kiss. But, his stench reeks and invades the air. His stink is so bad grass shrivels and dies as he walks over it, and any water surrounding him evaporates from his hotness. He is so hot that he is the reason the globe is warming. However, love is stronger than his scorching heat and his terrible stench. In fact, it’s been scientifically proven that Marco’s love can heal every broken bone caused from tripping over his cuteness within 24 hours. He’s so incredibly smart and cute.
In conclusion, the absence of Marco is the absence of life and love itself; it is a tragic fate to endure. Sucks for everyone else who doesn’t get to date the Most Perfect Boy Ever. He makes life a bazillion times better and brings so so so much joy and happiness. He is warm, safe, and protecting. He always keeps his beb fed and happy. He gives the bestest hugs ever (especially since he’s the buffest).
And that’s why Sally is the luckiest to date him <3
Poop pleb 1: Wow do you know who the Most Perfect Boy Ever is?
Poop pleb 2: Marco?
Poop pleb 1: literally
Poop pleb 2: yeah your boyfriend sucks compared to Sally’s boyfriend Marco.
KCL_Rush the man we all strive to become.
Man I wish I could be like KCL_Rush, he's the most hot person ever.
No one is The Most Beautiful Human Being but... I mean.. Ryan Ross is beautiful indeed so I guess. (We all have different opinions no hard feelings.)
Ryan Ross AKA Past backup vocals and guitar for Panic! At The Disco is Very Very Beautiful and talented
Person A: Oh yeah whose The Most Beautiful Human Being?
Person B: Brendon Urie
Person A: no you biccfa-cala-ca it's Ryan Ross indeed!
A day so bad it causes one to forget you were nearly decapitated the day before.
OMG, yeah almost getting hit by that tree made me totally forget I was there right after the fatal crash on 80/94 this morning. I was going west, and they had Torrance blocked off. Car was obliterated. Then on the way home, Torrance and Calumet were closed because there was supposed to be a riot in Cal City. LOL MOST 2020 DAY EVER!
--Ray Huntington
A show revealing the best and the brightest of the Japanese.
Its a little known fact the The French Military uses the most extreme elimination challenge as its primary training technique
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This ones easy, his name is Cory. Tall and strong and handsome! This is the sweetest guy you will ever know! Im so incredibly lucky to call him mine! He's absolutely perfect inside and out! And did I mention he has the sexiest butt the worlds ever seen? ;) Xxxx<3
The way he can brighten your day with just a smile and how hes always reminding you that you're beautiful(: The insanely sweet messages he'll send you to remind you that he loves you, and all the Saturday's you spend together that mean the absolute world to you! He truly is the most amazing boyfriend<3
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