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Bacon Pancakes

The literal best food in the entire multiverse.

Guy 1: Hey man wanna make some bacon pancakes?
Guy 2: Fuck yeah.

by b a c o n ๐Ÿฅ“ November 28, 2020

turkey and pancakes

Thereโ€™s chicken and waffles, and then thereโ€™s turkey and pancakes. Chicken is overrated, waffles are just pancakes with square holes so why not eat the best non-flying bird and enjoy some hearty pancakes too?

Guy: Yo you guys wanna get chicken and waffles after this?
Guy 2: What the fuck are you smoking
Guy 3: Yea idiot everyone knows turkey and pancakes is where itโ€™s at.
Guy: Well... fuck it. Letโ€™s eat.

by Bleeeeeebledeeep March 19, 2018

Chora Pancake

A feeble, unimpressive person who sloths around with smug entitlement ; Usually unnoticed. But EVERYONE knows.

P1:This dude hasnโ€™t done a thing all day, whys he acting hard?

P2: Freakin Chora pancake

by alaskaTre October 26, 2019

Pancake Power

The ability to manipulate men into doing anything that you want them to do simply by not wearing a bra

The sight of some empty breasts and erect nipples visible through your top has them simping after you all day

I made him buy me a jacket by using my pancake power. Silly little simp slave

by VeryVisionary September 9, 2023

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Adobe Pancake

An adobe pancake is performed after consuming high fiber organic foods and must take place in sunny, warm weather. To create, a women or man, lies in the sun on their back. The woman's or man's partner then squats over their stomach and defecates a full bowel release. Upon excretion, the feces is patted to a flat, one inch consistency with the hands or simply by patting it down with the provider's ass. The adobe pancake begins to form as the feces dries and hardens in the sun. Then end results is a solid, durable, material. Adobe pancakes are achieved with best results when performed on vacation in the Middle East, North Africa, South America, Southwestern North America, and in Spain.

After a day of sight seeing in southern New Mexico, John and Cindy returned to their sunny resort side pool. Inspired by the adobe architecture of the dessert southwest, John dropped trousers by the pool and dumped a load on Cindy's stomach where he patted it down and it eventually cured to a delightful Adobe Pancake in the hot desert sun.

by Eaton Holgoode June 5, 2009

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Large Pancake

A term created by skateboarder and rapper Roy Purdy. This term is meant to be used in response to the term "Medium Waffle". Similarly to medium waffle this saying is extremely hard to understand and only for the committed with an extremely high IQ.

Bichael: Medium Waffle
Rathew: Large Pancake
Bichael: Square up right now

by Bichael420 December 21, 2017

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velvet pancakes

A certain type of sound that can come from an orchestral bell. (As made Famous by Jhon C. Reiley's character Dewey Cox in Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story)

"Make it sound like it did last night, that thing where it sounds like velvet pancakes"
- Dewey Cox

by Derek Simon May 8, 2008

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