An extension of the asshole that has an inverse relationship with the penis like a slinky, where the anus is protruding and the penis is flacid, or the penis is erect and anus is retracted. In relaxed state the anus appears prolapsed.
To avoid embarrassment, Q skin shift his rectum away from the public eye.
random boner shift. to position a hard penis in a way that it does not produce an awkward shape protruding from the pants
Dude, you need a quick rb shift before your girl sees
1👍 1👎
Shift-Pinky, a condition mostly prominent within PC gamers, is a condition that occurs when one holds down the shift key(often used for sprinting or other maneuvers in PC-games) for prolonged periods of time. Symptoms include soreness, bone aches, and sometimes bruising.
(Gamer 1)Man, I played Red Dead II all night and now my pinky hurts.
(Gamer 2)Dude, you got shift-pinky
(Gamer 1)Tf is Shift Pinky?
(Gamer 2) Exactly what you just said
(Gamer 1) Aw shit...
When the bed sheets are shifted during a sexual encounter
my woman's giving me some serious sheet shifting tonight. If you know what I mean ;)
To work during the night shift, also known as third shift or overnight shift
Why does David look so sleepy?
He is night shifting for his new job so he sleeps during the day.
Fire Service term used to describe one of the three rotating shifts in a fire department work schedule A,B,C. It can apply to either a 24on/48off or a 48on/96off work schedule. B-Shift is universally recognized throughout the North American fire service as the worst shift on the department. It is typically made up of an all star cast of fuck-ups, fucktards,weirdos, and ass bags that have no business being in the fire service. Poor leadership is at the core of this band of derelicts and B-Shift typically has the highest number of 220's in the service. (220 meaning on the dept. 2 min but acting like they have been there 20 years.) B-Shift typically fucks up on a regular basis and cannot follow simple directions. The basis of many department SOP's and SOG's that come out are usually because of one of these incompetent ass clowns. The Benny Hill theme song should be played over the station alerting system in place of tones when these dip shits catch a run. B shifters are well known for constantly complaining and crying about useless bull shit especially with regard to fuel and def in the rig. They love to write in the station log book all the wonderful things they claim to have done during their shift when in reality they just half assed through it or it never happened.
C shifter 1: "Why is there piss all over the floor in front of the urinal and the kitchen floor feels like honey has been spilled all over it?"
C shifter 2: "Fucking B-shift, those dip shits again"
When a man (namely chris) performs sex acts with numerous other men. - Pen shifting
Chris: OMG i did some amazing pen shifting last night