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Ship Of Theseus

1) A metaphysical thought experiment involving a boat that is slowly repaired over time until all the parts are new.

2) Asterius

what are your feelings on the Ship of Theseus? Personally, man, that dude and that minotaur are definitely making out.

by Salvorrrrrr October 7, 2020

cripple ship

1. a disabled vessel
2. a nickname for someone with really weird friends/a nickname your friend called you once as a joke but soon became the name they use for you all the time...
3. Friends with poppet and sarita

Cripple Shipppp!!!!" or "Come on little ship"

by Cripple Ship May 6, 2011

Cutebone shipping

Its Another shipname from haudion wich is a Pokemon Ship between Hau and gladion

Google cutebone shipping

by Definitly gay January 20, 2018

spunkle ship

A game played by two players, where they lie down with the tops of their heads touching. Players then attempt to ejaculate over their own heads onto the opposing player.

Whoever loses this round of spunkle ship gets to shower last!

by Dimox January 25, 2018

pirate ship

an act of sexual intercourse between two men and one woman. The woman crouches on all fours and one man inserts his penis into her mouth the other into her vagina or anus. She then slides backwards and forwards on both penises. This mimmicks the motion of a pirate ship ride.

Me and my mate pirate shipped ya girlfriend last night.


Hey man we should pirate ship that chick

by Beastman March 8, 2005

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pirate ship

a waterborn vessel on which pirates travel

The swashbuckling buccaneer stood aboard his pirate ship.

by grinch sugar face March 31, 2004

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Rocket Ship

a girl takes a puff from a cigarette, then holds her breath while perfroming oral sex on the man until she must exhale. Then, she must exhale slowly while sliding her lips back of the cock. More and more of the penis will be revealed from the mouth, causing more and more smoke to come out with it.

Laquisha loves smoking and giving head, so she combined her two favorite hobbies and gave me a rocket ship.

by JakeHudz May 2, 2009

25๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž