Expression used of someone detested and now safely dead, to damn them with faint praise. From the 1989 movie version of Batman, directed by Tim Burton.
Joker (Jack Nicholson) on TV address:
Joker here. Now you fellas have said some pretty mean things. Some of which were true, under that fiend Boss Grissom. He was a thief, and a terrorist. On the other hand he had a tremendous singing voice. He's dead now, and he's left me in charge.
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"Cheese-eating surrender monkeys."
Zeez Amurricans say we are ze singes capitulards bouffeurs du fromage.
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To state soemthing you are unsure of, or to tell something to someone that will be ignored.
"Is that George Bush up there or am I signing Dixie out of my ass?" "Did you hear what I said before, or was I just singing Dixie out of my ass?"
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Don’t try to teach a pig to sing; it doesn’t work and it annoys the pig. Basically don’t bother teaching a stubborn person a life lesson if they’re not gonna learn from their mistakes anyway. They’re still going to keep making the same stupid mistake and expect a different result every time.
Due to Nicole’s stupidity for the last decade with the “edgy” ex-boyfriends and getting arrested multiple times, she’s never going to learn to grow the fuck up and never learn lessons in life. Don’t try to teach a pig to sing.
she isn’t
“how is megan so good at singing”
no she is not HAHA
Slang used to describe putting someone in immense pain and having them screeching in pain as if they are singing soprano. Commonly used in the mob.
MUSTARD: I don’t know what you’re talking about-
SCARLET: Either give it up now or I’ll have you singing soprano
The Merry-Go-Round Sing-Along is a rare, and insanely difficult sex move. To complete successfully, one must first be male. Next, you must obtain one female sex partner. (Does not matter occupation, just female.) Both of you must get entirely naked, and she must sit on your lap, legs splayed. Do this in front of a television, and turn the channel to a kids' signing channel, and have your bitch sing to that song, in tune to the music, and give you a physical lapdance at once.
(Aliases: Merry, MGR, Mary, Spinner)
Jake: Dude, I just had the merry-go-round sing-along with Kate!
John: WHOA that's hot.
Kate: You're a douchebag Jake! We're over.
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