She holds her feelings in and she is stunning and she always put others before her self she can be moody and bitchy at times but she is really funny she always seems to get all the lads and she always helps with everyone else relationships she always there to talk to when needed
Have you seen that ellie wilson today she looks amazing as always
Someone that agrees to do something then when the time comes backs out of it and has committed to do something else because he/she has totally forgot.
Adam: Hey, are you still ok to help me on Friday as agreed?
Kurk: Arhhh shit, I can’t… I’m now too busy because I got a better offerz
Adam: You fucking flake Wilson!
Shawn Wilson is a dude who is probably in the 9th grade and thinks he's super funny by using the words "Poop" and "Fart Pee" but besides that he's a pretty chill dude, also he's openly straight and likes Offensive Jokes.
Yeah, I was hanging out with Shawn Wilson, we were playing Mario Kart and he was pretty good but made super unfunny jokes.
Kenneth Wilson Original age mythical stoner and black belt of shithousery that is the almighty all seeing eye and knows every answer on the existence of the earth because of what his mates dogs uncles son posted on Facebook last week.
He runs a highly informative platform that is well sought after called AsKKenny
“oh let’s asKKenny” “Kenneth Wilson is on one again”
Chip is an absolute legend!
He is the man who invented the yoga pants. And for this, all of mankind is forever grateful.
Chip Wilson for President
The fart right before you take a massive shit.
I need to find a bathroom asap, I just did an Allan Wilson
The right one…. Period 🤷🏽 ♂️🖕🏽
No ifs, ands, or buts about Jordan Wilson