He’s the worst ro-wrestler ever and he stole John Balor’s world title after two minutes and it was John Balor’s dream and he crushed it because he’s a big loser
Bendy Omega sucks
Yeah he sucks he stole John Balor’s world title after two minutes
Wow what a jerk
pulling an omega means to exploit the shit out of something that shouldnt be exploited
why are you pulling an omega on that f3 a glich
this is the ultimate mccolum attribute. This shirt leads to bigger dick status along with a higher confidence. If you see this shirt on someone just know they are going to steal you girl and your mom.
" I saw that dude wearing the Chi Omega Bid Day shirt. He was slamming beers"
Omega Delta is the lowest of the low fraternity
Freshmen: I’m rushing Omega Delta!
Me: Loser
The Even Bigger Dong in the group of Dongs (Bigger than Alpha Dong) That is Distributed to only Gods
Joesus Christ is the Omega Dong
A fictional band created by Marilyn Manson during the Medical Animal Era.
Omega and the Medical Animals make good songs such as "I Want To Disappear" and "The Dope Show".
Sometimes a golf sometimes a deeltje
Who is that over there?
That is Tjerk, an omega male
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