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family-member run-around

Refers to the common but totally unproductive/destructive practice of a young child's parents and/or two or more older family members successively "delegating" or "passing the buck" from one family member to another when the youngster asks a difficult/uncomfortable question, rather than the initially-queried adult's simply saying, "I don't know" or, "That is not something you need to know just yet --- wait till you're a few years older to ask about that."

Small girl: Daddy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Father (glancing up from his evening paper): Go ask your mother that question.
Small girl (toddling over to her mother, who is knitting by the fire): Mommy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Mother (looking up from her knitting, surprised): You know --- that's a really excellent question... why don't you ask your father about that.
Small girl: Well, I already did --- Daddy told me to ask you.
Mother (exasperated): Oh --- well, then, I think maybe your Uncle John could help you answer that.
Small girl (going outside where her uncle is lounging on the porch swing): Uncle John, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Uncle John: Hummmm... lemme guess --- didja ask your parents about that, and they sent you to me?
Small girl: Yes, Uncle John --- Mommy said you'd be just the person to ask.
Uncle John: Ahhhh... givin' ya da ol' family-member run-around, are they?

by QuacksO October 27, 2016

squatty runs

squatty runs are walking lunges! its super funny and your gym teacher will hate you forever

hey mannnnn, lets go do some SQUATTY RUNS!!!

by baileygiles15543 December 11, 2017


Refers to Mr. Rushdie's hurried flight to escape persecution from radical Muslims, merely because he had exercised his right to free speech by authoring a controversial book.

Mass redfish-migrations typically take place in the fall of the year, but the Salman-run occurred as soon as the author felt threatened, regardless of the season of the year.

by QuacksO October 28, 2018

Running Reds

Running through red lights while driving

It was late at night and nobody was on the road so we were casually running reds.

by W1LDC4RD I June 11, 2023

Running Red

A female running in a race while on her period

Wife: I'm signing-up for a half-marathon this Sunday.
Husband: Won't you be on the rag?
Wife: Yes -- I'll be "running red".

by zodiac711 October 24, 2010

running to home

Making it passed third base but not fully hitting a home run. Dry humping/Just the tip

Michelle: Did you guys fuck yet?
Chloe: No, but we were running to home.

by daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii September 21, 2018

Run the Bull

Doing a girl from behind while making snort noises like a bull, and pointing your fingers in front of her head to look like horns.

Dude, I hooked up with this crazy chick last night. She was on all fours, so naturally I assumed she wanted me to Run the Bull.

by Frito Pie May 29, 2021