james river high school is your local poor kids hangout, located in the shit-pits of botetourt county, virginia. this hellhole we call home is the best (and only) 2A-and-slowly-dwindling-down-to-1A public school (as a matter of fact it's the only school) you'll find within about a hundred-mile-radius.
It's also the number one place to turn to if you're looking for any of the following:
a. pot
b. potheads
c. poor kids
d. eons-old teachers
e. various other drugs besides pot
f. a lousy football team
g. lousy bleachers
h. shitty school spirit
i. great pep club spirit?
j. furries
k. roaches
l. old cheesesticks behind the auxiliary gym bleachers
m. roughly two albinos
n. more roaches
o. ants
p. other, more bizzare things
q. the list could go on forever really
Some fun facts about the place:
1. Half of the seniors are about 8 feet tall
2. Every single male in the building can be found clad in a unicorn onesie on Pajama Day
3. There's a couple of teachers and some janitor dude who tell all the freshmen every year that there's a James River ghost
4. There is no ghost
5. Everyone hates the 2021-2022 freshman class
6. various, extremely strange items can be found in the many bathrooms around the school
7. if you ever meet JJ Halstead ask him about the piss bandit it's worth it
(if y'all don't accept this as a definition i swear i will sick jerry on you)
girl 1: "you go to lb?"
girl 2: "yeah"
girl 1: "i feel bad for you"
girl 2: "you go to james river high school?"
girl 1: "yes"
girl 2: "DAMN HONEY i feel bad for YOU"
when an idiot says some stupid shit
James Ryan "gamers" Anyone "Shut up James Ryan"
when you piss off of a school roof into someone's mouth, climb down, then let them spit half of said piss into your mouth at which point you both swallow
High school couples are disgusting, I caught two of them drinking the James Anderson Chug Jug while out on a walk last night.
The best boyfriend a girl could ask for
"Connor James Morris Smith is the best racist I know."
A great loyal friend to those he trust but to the enemy they better watch out also a hunk with the lady's silver toung.
James Michael Lawrence black is here hide your girl
Something that’s as big potential and have a secret power that no one have.
James Alexis vollant(Leblanc) is so hot
What EVERYONE in Hell is saying these days, a catch-phrase if you like.
After fucking him in the ass the pissing all over his face, He screamed at the retreating Satan, I'm Rick James, Bitch!
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