An all powerful being, a group of seven elite humans, capable of mass destruction. These powerful men could decimate an entire continent with one swoop
a gang owned by reily trey and justice
Bet on the Scammer Gang imma pull up
A gathering or group of men with homosexual tendencies. Generally comprised of 3-5 older men and one middle aged "pivot" man. They are not accepting of outsiders. Induction into gang usually consists of grotesque sexual acts involving a butterfinger candy bar
Hey, Chomo check out that group of weirdos. Yeah man that's a tiny apple gang for sure
A small select few of podiatrists and associates of no more than a car full that attend on an annual basis well known theme parks and have regular social gatherings encompassing gin and other alcohol based beverages and often resulting in some form of karaoke.
The at gang are off again
A Highschool Gang made in 2018 at Cavelaro Mid High
DC Gang don't need an example bitch
A group of people who are flush and who occasionally munging
There's a birdie gang over there
An "Albanian Gang" refers to a group of cybercriminals working together to create and distribute ransomware, encrypting files or networks until a ransom is paid.
" Hey MrB! Your an Albanian Gang Member!" - DoxBin