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Deaded is what you do to a daffodil once it's flower starts going over. You pinch the flower off so the goodness goes back to the bulb for another year.

Those daffodils need to be deaded or they won't bloom next year.

by Triple B December 19, 2016


The process of being killed. To be killed.

The so called, noob, was deaded in Knife Ability Test.

by iiOcularNebula May 20, 2018


Deaded is another word for saying someone has passed and in mourning state

"Yes *persons name* has been deaded."

by KKITOOO April 12, 2023


It is a way to say murder or kill on/in a pg place

I will DEADED you if you don't buy me chicken nuggets

by Ur Local Corgirat June 16, 2020


brought back to life after being killed while dead

"i got deaded back to life"

by NotBrodyMaeser February 16, 2022


When you die of extreme cuteness

Guys that’s so cute I’m deaded

by pansexualtrash July 5, 2018


Past tense of dead 💀 cause you’re dead

“I’m deadedEmmy said in a one direction group chat

by A croissant over a crises August 17, 2021