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Gets good grades at school and pays attention, all the girls want him. His voice is sexy af. He’ll fuck you silly.

Girl 1: I can’t wait to go to Daniels house after class today, he’s gonna tutor me then fuck me silly.

Girl 2: :0

by Chugachugachoochoo. March 28, 2019


Bro words couldn’t describe how much I love Daniel. I would die for daniel hes so handsome I’ve had a crush on this guy for 2 years. I’ve tried to have a crush on other people but it doesn’t feel the same as I do Daniel. I get overly excited whenever he speaks to me or looks at me and I make a fool of myself. His hazel eyes with deep undertones give me a weird feeling in my stomach no boy has ever achieved. He is my boyfriend but he just doesn’t know it yet. This boy comes up in my dreams every flipping day and we are either dating or it’s a dream about us going to date. Unfortunately I can’t date daniel even if we both wanted to because I used to date his best friend 🥳🥳

Friend:Look it’s Daniel
Me: oh man I wish me and him happened I really love him

by 🤰🤰 March 29, 2023


An eldritch blood god from another dimension many children dress up as for Halloween

An eldritch blood god from another dimension named daniel... another classic

by ~` March 4, 2021


the best name in the world. Daniels are usually very chad. Daniels are very cool can beautiful. You simp for him because he is beautiful.

oh damn! its a chad daniel!

by stigma69 April 4, 2023


Daniel loves Laurena

ex. Daniel loves Laurena

by November 22, 2021


A terrible Apex player

Daniel should stop using Valkyrie so we can win

by Mastershifu8904 May 11, 2022


a person who sucks, is overly arrogant, and happens to also be a complete failure

daniel is such an idiot

by ethan.chowww May 29, 2020