A Snagwitch Dragon is a metallic purple blend to black at the tip of the scales. It is equipped with long sharp claws and a long sharp beak as well as a long sharp tail with several spikes around it. The face of the Snagwitch is long and jagged with sharp pointed ears, long jagged and serrated teeth, and a double edged knife for a tongue. If the literal sharpness of this majestic and hypnotizing statute of this creature don’t kill you, the butane flamethrower style of dragon breath will burn you beyond recognition. The Snagwitch Dragon hunts and feeds on snagging witches right off their brooms in the sky over the English countryside.
1. The Snagwitch Dragon snagged a witch off of her broom.
2. Beware of the Snagwitch Dragon
A phenomenon occurring in portalets when a splash of the dyed-blue water comes all the way back up and hits the user, resulting in an unpleasant sensation and often a blue stain on the affected area.
“Yo, I’m headed to use the portalet”
“Alright, don’t get bit by the Blue Dragon!”
the best team in the game Monster Legends where players specifically grow and win in the same time, always beats Placid Fury and their #1 model. cool people that everyone wants to seek their attention, Pufferfishes adore them
oh hey man where have ya been?
I've been in DRAGON'S FIRE. where players grow. seen a pufferfish in the way. it has been following me sheesh
When a diesel engine is rollin' coal and simultaneously spits fire and sparks as well as smoke.
"Dude,I thought that I had killed my truck when it started pulling a Diesel Dragon last night. There was fire and smoke shootin' everywhere."