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Pound Cake Defense

Based on Bill Cosby's "Pound Cake" speech where a niggar gets shot in the head because his cousin wanted the pound cake he stole, meaning killing is just routine reaction to bad manners .

Yo man, the store owner is coping a Pound Cake Defense after he shot the robber nine more times than needed.

by gwbdopesmoker May 31, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Let them eat cake

It's to show either that you don't care if people are in the shit, or how they get out of it.

It can also be used to show that you donโ€™t understand much about peopleโ€™s shitty situation.

Both meanings can be used together, to mean that you donโ€™t understand much about their shitty situation, you donโ€™t care to understand it, and you donโ€™t care how they get out of it either.

Where this came from:

A French writer called Rousseau wrote that a great princess once said, more or less, that if you have no bread, there's always cake instead.

When she says "cake", don't think birthday cake. Think pastries and cakes that come in squares that you can slice, which a basically just sweet bread.

Think of a posh French princess in a carriage that's going through peasant land in order to get to the castle. They have to stop for a minute, so the peasants start to approach, carrying bread baskets. The princess asks what they want. She's told they need bread, because they don't have any. And this is where she says the line. But you can interpret it in several ways:

1. She's never seen poor people before, and she's ditzy:

"Well, what I would do is just have cake instead, so why don't they just do that?"

2. She's never seen poor people before, and she doesn't care (whilst applying makeup):

"Oh well. Can't they just have cake instead?"

3. She knows they are poor, and she's being a complete bitch, almost making a joke (staring out the window):

"Oh well, there's always cake."

The insurance companies will suffer? Good. Let them eat cake.

Profits are down? Well, err... Let them eat cake?

by ExpertContributor February 6, 2018

167๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cheek busting cake muncher

A raging homo who after finishes busting someone's cheeks, eats their feces too

Ved: Why does that guy, Delroy, always stink
ADon: Because after he has sex with a dude, he also eats munches their cake too
Ved: What a disgusting, cheek busting cake muncher
Adon: Stay away from that creep

by BirkbeckPHDUM October 15, 2018

37๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cake and Ice Cream

A good thing that is temporary; "easy come easy go"; A quickly fading opportunity; The "window of opportunity";
(also) easy to do; not a problem; simple; uncomplicated

This job offer is a "cake and ice cream" type thing, and may not last long.
Its "cake and ice cream" for now, later I will slide you the whole enchilada.

I ran through the test like "cake and ice cream".

You shouldn't sweat and stress it, its "cake and ice cream".

by roachgnarly November 23, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Beef-Cake Ritual

Light pubic hair on fire with hand sanitizer. Then You take frosting freshly scooped from a chocolate cake and clean the anus with it. Then, you rap your dong with bacon and do a reverse clockwise spin while thrusting into her anus. While hitting a banjo with a stick in the middle of a warehouse surrounded by chained platypus with ski masks.

"Did you try the California Beef-Ritual last night?"

"She was impressed by my California Beef-Cake Ritual performance."

by LinSanity77 November 20, 2018

I'd rather have cake

This is sometimes used among the asexual community expressing that some on the ace spectrum would rather have cake over sex. Choosing to have both have cake and eat it too.

Random person: want to do it
The asexual: nah I'd rather have cake.

by I like cake๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿฐ June 6, 2021

winkin pink brownie cake

when you eat someones ass hole out while they are pooping

your moms winkin pink brownie cake is delicious

by herb villified May 3, 2009