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A popular battle royale video game that has over 500,000 concurrent players. There is also a "Save the World" portion of the game which you have to pay for. It is a survival game like Call of Duty Zombies.

Yo, Fortnite Season 5 is sick!

by xd clan is da beeest February 23, 2021


A video game jn which 100 6-9 year olds scream at the walls lick windows and drive the battle bus then after come to school and talk about fake bullshit they have done in the game and if they dont STFU ABOUT THE GAME I KIGHT BECOME A SCHOOL SHOOTER!

Hello quandale dingle did you see quagmires victory royel last night on fortnite he said he has been playing for 17 fortnights

by Osnsa May 8, 2022



Uninstall fortnite.

by Fortniteisgarbage October 26, 2018


Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, 100% nigga

I am a fortnite.

by Xidndjcicjdndjficjdnd March 13, 2019


a game where kids are addicted to it so much that they can't stop doing dumb fortnite dances. that game is the cause of cancer and autism
minecraft veterans won't play it

addicted fortnite kid: hey man do you wanna join us in fortnite battle royale?
minecraft player: you better watch out for my diamond sword

by xc_vz January 11, 2020


Something a boy who's name starts with a G does, and apparently is embarrassed about. This man will lie to his girlfriend (or ex girlfriend) about what he's really doing. Hope you are full from that long dinner, cause u just lost ur chocolate cake. Go Fortnite!

Fortnite just made him lose his gal.

by hhhlaxboymymomdrivesaminivan March 22, 2018


A game that was alive for a few years and still alive

Kid : Fortnite is soo dead it so trash
Older kid: i play fortnite because I like it and it a funny game

Kid : well you are gay

Older kid: u can’t call your self a gamer

by Noobpro3089 June 2, 2021