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Oak valley middle school

Oak valley middle school is full of hoes that think it’s cool to be depressed and all the boys are obsessed with Tec decks. All the girls think it’s funny to be quote on quote “sus”. The boys bathroom is always being used as a hotbox, and has been taken away 2 times in the past 2 years! WELCOME TO OAK VALLEY MIDDE SCHOOL

Oak valley middle school is for hoes

by Fortnite imposter October 21, 2021

Catshill Middle School

A school that’s a piece of shit and full off faggits

I don’t want to go to catshill middle school cause it’s a shit school”

by stinkywinky2900 October 15, 2021

Angola Middle

A house of anything but excellence. Torres is the only thing that keeps the school running. Daily devious licks. The boys are disliked for a reason. Make sure to bring pepper spray to fend off the furries.

ayo u went to Angola Middle?”

by badussyeater5000 October 10, 2021

Trap Hill Middle School

Located in Glen Daniel, West Virginia. A shithole school with terrible sports teams. You need to use the bathroom? Be prepared to inhale every flavor juul pod you can imagine. Something on your mind about somebody? No need to say it to their face, just write it on the bathroom stalls.

Person 1: Let me waterfall your monster
Person 2: No.

Person 1: At least let me get your empty can when you’re done.

Person 1: Can you tell I have a dip in?
Person 2: You go to Trap Hill Middle School don’t you...

by Redneck Shit March 15, 2019

Kennedy middle school

A fucking shit show, mr nuno sucks ass and Mrs pussy (posas) is scary asf.

I fucking hate Kennedy middle school

by Subdibsjdb June 3, 2022

leesville middle school

Uses their money on teachers that dont even teach. Most people vape and blow in teachers faces. The black people are ghetto and the White people ar proper there is no in between.

"i would rather go to jail tan to leesville middle school"

by Organic Cunt at leesville March 6, 2017

Hornsby Middle School

If you go to Hornsby, you are living the dream. They have a great football team and they have cute boys that go there. Especially Davin Jacobson, if you see him in the halls, give him the biggest ass slap of all time.

Do you go to Hornsby Middle School?
No why?
Well, you're missing out

by clashroyaleplayer95 October 27, 2021