A house with one shower that is filled with dirty skateboarders and one punk rocker.
May the scum house rest in piss.
prison gang originating in chicago. they mainly sold drugs in school zones and blew huge loads. they have room temperature IQs and love to play fortnite all day in their "hot stuff" pajamas you could catch these creatures roaming around the suburbs of chicago since they really aint bout that life. in prison they mainly got butt fucked and tossed around by the bbc of the prison. they love listening to duwap kaine and shitty 2010 hits. the food they mainly live off of is ramen and anything open on the doordash app past 11pm.
yo yard house boyz where u from? spits spew out mouth. suburbs . *continues sucking*
noun, plural: Fucking tree houses
Contemporary term for Sukkah (plural: Sukkot) (from Dictionary.com: a booth or hut roofed with branches, built against or near a house or synagogue and used during the Jewish festival of Sukkoth as a temporary dining or living area.)
Bro, after simchas beis we had a crazy farby in the Fucking tree house...
Dude, why the fuck didn't you fucking come to the bein at the Fucking tree house??
Aggressively head banging, off beat, at a house music show.
Bro, did you see that dude in the corner House banging at the Tiësto show? RIDICULOUS!
When she easily lets other men have sex with her.
I would never have sex with her, she’s on the house.
When 2 guys hold a pillow between them and ejaculate on the pillow and leave it back on the bed for someone to enjoy.
Meghan had a toll house cookie on her bed when she returned from her trip
When you’re parked at the Bond’s house you’re actually speeding down the highway at 80 mph.
Agustin (sends picture of backseat of car)
Jon: Don’t you crash again boy.
Agustin: I was Parked at the Bond’s house.