A filthy prostitute or street whore. May also be used to convey honorary slut status on any female that spreads the legs any time or any one.
I'll wank myself before I ever pay a beef slider for sex.
Oh yea Cindy will fuck for drug money. She's a beef slider.
A word used for defining a neutralized individuals from the affiliated groups or armed wing of Communist Party of the Philippines, New Peoples Army (NPA)
- Oh Chad Booc has been corned beef, very nice news!
- The Armed Forces producing high quality corned beefs from mountain ranges along the Philippines.
- A old man in Utrecht Netherlands pleasing the government to stop making them corned beefs.
- New equipments to produce many corned beefs.
When I was a young lass, I had very nice tucked in beef.
Your tuckekd in beef is looking rather loose today.
Erin's tucked in beef is very beefy.
A hot, sloppy blow job that is a little too toothy for comfort.
Man that two dollar whore slobbed my knob last night but I ended up with chopped beef.
That's why I prefer a hot gummy braaaaahhhh!!!!
In Italian-American communities in Chicagoland, a “dry beef” is when a person informs law enforcement (usually the FBI) about the criminal activities of an associate without formally cooperating with the government or testifying in open court against the associate. Dry beefs are often strategic, as they allow snitches facilitate the incarceration of their competitors, which then provides them with the opportunity to ratchet-up their own illicit rackets.
Dago #1:”There’s a lotta bad news goin’ ‘round about our friend who lives out west, there. You know who I mean? They’re sayin’ he’s a snitch.”
Dago #2: “Yeah, buddy. I know. That’s a dry beef, there. Did you tell our friend out east?”
When a man shoves his balls in a cows ass and sticks them in your mouth.
"Hey Frank, I hear you and Kyle's mom are getting pretty serious."
"You heard right, Toby. Last night she came by the farm and had a healthy serving of beef balls. Kyle's mom loves beef balls. Tomorrow I might give her a carabeef ball."
To become friends again.
To forgive n forget.
I want to break beef with u. Lets break beef n get dancing!