Source Code

In the bin and the foul

When you get two 24 water for four fuckin bucks.

"Bro straight up, I got, I got a, I got two cases of twenty four wa-. I got TWO with twenty four, I got two cases of twenty four water.... for four bucks. For FOUR fuckin bucks! Ay count that, put that in the bin and the foul alright! You hear that? Put that in the bin and the foul. Four bucks for forty eight bottles of fuckin water!"

by Riteasrain September 24, 2021

Bin Gravy

The liquid run-off that gathers at the bottom of a bin bag from all of the squelchy things that you have put into your bin.

The amount of bin gravy varies with how lazy a household is: If you cannot be bothered to empty the dregs of your coke before chucking it or strain the milk off of your cereal you will create more gravy.... more lazy=more gravy.

Bin gravy is often a mixture of overly moist tea bag tea, takeaway drink dregs, cereal milk, decomposition juice from veg and meat, gone off eggs that have cracked, actual gravy, moistness from food left overs ..... etc

also could be referred to as garbage gravy by those speaking American (or overtly America-socialised people)

"oh my god!! Could you check for splits before you take the bin out?! you've left a trail of bin gravy all over the floor!"

"shit, pass the antibac would you, there's bin gravy all inside the bin and I'm not putting a fresh bag on it...."

"will you PLEASE pour your milk into the silk..... I will not have you brewing cheesy bin gravy!!"

by ciboruggle September 18, 2012

skip bin

A skip bin is a large container used for collecting and disposing of different types of waste. It is typically made of metal and has an open top and a hinged door for easy loading and unloading. Skip bins come in different sizes and are commonly found on construction sites, orders can usually be done directly or by skipbin.com

Order a skip bin for that waste instead of using a wheelie bin

by Stowaway6369 October 31, 2023

Jiang Bin

The most evil of all demons in the world. Ruined the dreams of others right in front of their own eyes

Everyone wants to fight Jiang Bin

by dontcallmebymyname June 8, 2021

tater bin

Slang term for ones butt. Usually in reference to anal sex.

Jenny likes it in the tater bin.

by alicenwundrlnd October 15, 2014


A shebang for shell script

Also it have second alias shebang "#!/bin/sh"

programmer 1: Hey why my code won't work? *send a file.sh*
Programmer 2: you're missing shebang
Programmer 1: wdym shebang?
Programmer 2: #!/bin/bash

by crischutu07 September 3, 2022

Bin Eater

A Bin Eater is a Term Given To Someone Who Eats Half Opened Packets Of Walkers Crisps From The Blue Bins. One of These Men, Named Will is an Avid Bin Eater Who is The Cult Leader.

Smithy-"Uggghhh, He's Such A Bin Eater"
Rhys-"Hahahahaha, Walkers"

by Luigi3106 December 5, 2018