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"A liberal who has been mugged by reality." (Irving Kristol)

The difference between a neo-conservative and a bleeding-heart liberal is: the former gets mugged and actually does something to prevent it from happening again, while the latter is so afraid of being accused of "profiling" that he becomes the victim he thinks his predators are.

by fifilarue August 24, 2014

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moderate conservative hedonism

moderate conservative hedonism", "mch" for short, is a term used to broadly describe the weltanschauung -- sociopolitical & otherwise --of any well-bred gentleman, scholar, bonvivant, & gourmand before the death of old europe.

mch is characterized by a propensity for the general enjoyment of life. -- within a certain moderation, ฮœฮทฮดแฝฒฮฝ แผ„ฮณฮฑฮฝ, & with a keen eye for the tradition.

though the mch outlook has declined since the death of old europe, some men, like roberto calasso or gerard depardieu, remain true to the old ways.

expressions of mch in the heritage of europe are too numerous to count, though here is a list of some quintessentials:

wine, the delphic maxims, cheese, decadent plates of cold cuts, fruit, & marzipan, observance of the faith, rococo painting & second empire furniture, death in venice, sonnets to the fishermen of capri, a gallon of beer a day, hatred of taxes, an aloof & cosmopolitan view of things (in particular in matters culinary & poetic), the study of botany, ornithology, monteverdi's madrigals, chess, collections of old cookbooks, gambling (but not too much), an interest in pencils, coffeehouse brawling, orientalism, a fine assortment of various rare teas, liberatory book theft, quoting vauvenargues at the cute cashier in the store, hiking, opening a beauty salon in the ruins of the lotus-land, foie gras for breakfast.

Si bene qui cenat bene vivit, lucet, eamus
quo ducit gula, piscemur, venemur!

example a)
person 1: I watched an episode of gerard depardieu's europe last night. he talked about cheese for half an hour.
person 2: yes, he's a true moderate conservative hedonist.

example b)
person 1: how do you interpret horace's epistle to numicius?
person 2: i think wieland is right in his commentary when he says that the epistle is about finding the ways of moderate conservative hedonism.

by unsinn March 29, 2022

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conservative anarchist

A conservative anarchist is an anarchist who holds anarchy to an ideal but realizes it is unrealistic and impossible in its true form.

Look at Susan, she is such a conservative anarchist. She wants to bring down the state in a blaze of glory, but she can't help but feel that it would cause too much trouble.

by skhulzy May 13, 2015

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Conservative Bible Project

A project by the horribly biased wiki Conservapedia in an attempt to 'remove' liberal 'bias' in the bible by retranslating it. It removes the story of the Adulteress in the New Testament, and changes 'thou shall not kill' into 'thou shall not murder', thus in turn promoting the beating up of women who get raped (just like Saudi Arabia) advocating the cruel and unusual death penalty. I heard there's going to be more horrible things.

The idiots at Conservapedia have decided to corrupt the word of the Lord by creating the Conservative Bible Project.

by Anonymous /religions/ October 12, 2009

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south park conservative

A conservative who usually is usually conservative on the matters of tax reduction, international policy and gun rights, but can often times be liberal on such issues as drug prohibition, abortion and adult material.

They see liberal establishments like Moveon.org and College Liberals to be outdated or sometimes hypocritical, due to the perceived notion that they're concerned with only promoting certian rights for people and not others and put their own special interests in front of national security.

They also tend to be suspicious of political correctness, seeing it as an ironic classification of people who wanted to escape classification.

Many can be irreligious.

They tend to be late Generation X (1975-9) or early to mid Generation Y (1980-5).

Named after the cartoon South Park.

South Park Conservatives are an odd bunch.

They believe in tax cuts and Middle East reform yet they toke up like a hippie with 24 hours to live!

by ColdRedRain April 25, 2005

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Law of Conservation of Happiness

One of the several laws of life that states that in order for one to attain a state of happiness, another must become unhappy.

Chief was having a bad day. In order to fill his happiness bag, he decided it best to make the division stay late to take inventory of everything in the shop.

Further proof of the Law of Conservation of Happiness...

by 7h0rn3 August 18, 2009

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Fox News conservative

also, Fox News Republican. A hard-line, ultra-conservative with absolutely no left-wing or liberal tendencies. Fox News conservatives will never vote for a Democrat, regardless of the issues or the candidate.

Danny: Man, your dad voted for Pete Wilson even though he's pro-choice. I didn't see that coming.

Chris: My dad ALWAYS votes republican. He's a Fox News conservative.

by J Keaton October 3, 2008

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