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Prettiest teacher on felisenum. Lina has a huge crush on her

Diana is so pretty

by Ree2222 November 26, 2021


The best person to be around, wether you’re happy or sad. You can always count on them to be by your side no matter what kind of situation. If you ever meet a Diana, just know you’ve met the best person in your life, someone you’ll tell many people in the future about.

Diana is the best person I’ve ever met.
I never want to lose MY Diana

by Mrpoopybuttholeifykyk November 25, 2021


The girl oh your dreams she has dark hair she loves her boyfriend and she is the girl you will need in your life she loves to be called princess diana all the time and calls her boyfriend her hero diana is the person you will love

You need a diana in your life

I love princess diana

by Guard123321 April 28, 2023


A self righteous bitch who thinks she is always right. So bitter

Ugh I hate Diana!

by Idfkimbkred November 24, 2021


Female name

My name is Diana

by D&D&P November 23, 2021


Diana’s are the types of girls who you need to cut out of your life, they are all bitches and are overall toxic, if a girl named diana is near you don't speak or pay any attention to them they are the worst kind of people and they all need to die

Diana: 😒 hey
Me: go away Die-ana
Diana: ugh fine

by Dianahater November 21, 2021


You are A confusing soul

But an honour to know

You look young

but you are old

As you turn twenty one

May you glow
Like the sun

Work to attain your dreams and hopes

But have fun

You will get lost on the way

And that’s okay

What matter is you will find your way back

You are a beautiful girl

Never sell yourself short(pun not intended)
You are worth gold

That not everybody can afford

You are a queen

And never forget that

You are a dream

For every man

From the Don himself

Diana What a OG

by CHBK December 18, 2021