Made by Walmart for the people who don't want to spend 15$ on socks. There still comfy none of the less but it proves that we buy elites for the design
Are you seriously wearing fake elites?
One of the best clans in a game called “fortnite” history.Created my MrAxM alongside Linker and the clan right now has more than 8 members.
“Look at how they play,they must be ELiTE Clan
Elite Realms is a minecraft server with multiple game modes such as creative, kitpvp, minigames and factions!
Hey do you wanna play Elite Realms? We could play some Factions
Elite people who are between 180cm and 189cm tall. Not short like people in the 170s but not as tall as the 190s where height negatively impacts your daily life such as bumping into ceilings.
James is 180 centimeters tall so he's in the elite 180s.
Known by many as the greatest and most diverse basketball team ever. The Los Angeles Lakers played this team in 2028 and loss the 4th game ( the eventual game that would send the team home from the western confrence finals)298-44. The greatest team ever with, as many regard, the best coach ever " Coach J". Projected to save world pollution from ending the world and feeding all the starving african children
L.A.C ELITE is the best team of all time
Politicians are a distraction from real people celebrities. People who care more about us then politicians
Fox News commenters: who cares?🤡 this is a distraction from real news! Nobody cares about the Hollyweird elite from p3dowood🤮. Gigachads: you sure care about your political elite
Elite Supplements is the best and most complete supplement shop the world has ever seen. And the people who work there, oh my God, they're wonderful. Polite, caring, intelligent, and beautiful!
Please, do yourself a favor and go now to visit one of the Elite Supplements store near you and thank me later.
A: I`m looking for the best supplement store around here, could you help me?
B: Yes, definitely, Elite Supplements for sure.