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"...morose subculture of Gothic fantasy."
bullet "They're basically outcasts, Gothic people, They're into anarchy. They're white supremacists and they're into Nostradamus stuff and Doomsday."

"Black trench coats are a consistent theme in the Gothic subculture that has attracted many teenagers to the poetry, music and costumes of a scene that ranges from benign fantasy to violent reality."

"Inspired by fantasy games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Gothic has become a fascination of many American high schoolers, some of whom simply dress and paint their fingernails black while others immerse themselves in a pseudo medieval world of dark images."

"Tuesday was Hitler's birthday, an occasion for demonstrations, mock funerals and other macabre commemorations among both neo-Nazis and parts of the Gothic scene."

Unusually bigoted,
Involved in illegal drugs,
Vampires or believe themselves to be vampires,
Musicians, painters, and other artists,
Computer programmers (although there seem to be a lot of them)
Wearers of black (some wear white and gunmetal),
Dyers of their hair,
Users of white makeup.

These are some of the stereotypes Goths have to deal with everyday, though some do fall into them.

In reality, Goth is in finding beauty in the most unexpected places, having knowledge and eloquence. There are many different types of Goths including Romantic Goth, Gothic Lolita(which I would fall under), Cyber Goth, Perky Goth, Glitter Goth, Fetish Goth, Industrial Goth, Ethereal, Mall Goths and many, many more.

Each has their own taste in clothing and music, but we all have the same general sense of dark beauty.

People seem to see us as morose and disturbed, they degrade us by seeing one supposed Goth doing something damnable(the ones like this are generally Poser Goths with no idea about our subculture.) and assume we're all into that. It's wrong, that's like saying all preppies are snobs or all jocks only think about sex. We don't hate people who are different from us on the outside, we aren't sadists or masochists, we are normal people who dress a certain way, listen to some sort of music and look for beauty in all things, we are the way we are because we are comfortable with it. It's upsetting to see the way people are towards us and their misconceptions. Also, those of you who talk about how we're whinny, depressed, and cut ourselves, you're thinking emo. We are not emo and calling a true Goth emo is like calling a girl a boy, it's idiotic and wrong.

Here are some examples of things I have gone through as a goth, before and during my Gothic Lolita days.

I walk down the hall of my school and go to my locker, but soon am surrounded by the ignorant youths that inhabited said educational establishment.
"Hey, freak!" one would shout, pushing me into my locker.
I turn around and ask them to leave me alone.
"No! You baby killing Satan worshiper." the leader accused, "I'm a Christian. I can't leave until you repent of your sins, if you don't, you'll go to Hell."
This would be where I smile sarcastically.
"Well, aren't you a great Christian." my sarcasm ends and begins and my voice then holds a tone full of anger, "Look, I'm a Christian myself, and this isn't a very Christlike thing to do, so why don't you move and let me get to class."
By that time my friends had seen what was going on and moved in, due to the number of them, both Goth and not, they ran.

In another instance, a group of friends and I were walking to another's house. We were soon stopped by a group of wigger kids.
"Oh, look at the baby eating freaks." one heckled followed by the laughter of his friends.
"F*** any dead bodies lately?"
By this time, I was clearly annoyed.
"What's you're problem, poser? Have we done anything to you?" I questioned, barely keeping myself from hitting them.
"Oh, it looks like the little girl has the balls." he reached into his pocket, more than likely for a knife, so I, in turn, leaned down to my boot, where I always kept a small blade.
"Look, losers," my sixteen year old male friend started, "why don't you go get a life and leave us alone."
He grabbed my arm and shoved his way through the group, our two friends on our tails.
"by the way," called my friend, a fifteen year old female, "if you want to talk to a baby eater, try *****"
(The name was censored for reasons.)

I have had many more instances similar to those, all having to do with ignorant baboons.

by Jewel[GothicLoli] November 18, 2007

19👍 41👎


Goth is a loosely defined social sub-culture. Stereotypically, goths are deep, tortured artists, listen to ambient, dark (sub-par) music and have a penchant for self-harm. Some people who follow these trends do not describe themselves as goths, while many supposed goths do not follow them at all. My brother was hanging out with two goth friends, and a bunch of skangers made fun of them, to which one of the goths replied, and in all seriousness: "I will eat their souls". Had I have been there, I would have taken some time to explain to him that Evil Dead is just a movie and, also, the Necronomicon is not real. It IS true that Goths typically see themselves as unique individuals, although, to describe oneself as such and yet be part of an entire sub-culture essentially makes the term "goth" an oxymoron. The plus side to gothic fashion, is that it allows for naturaly beautiful women to show off curves and such. The flip-side of this is that fat women think this is ok for them to dress like that also, and dress in tight, ultra-revealing and lacy clothing which is gauranteed to give many men impotency for at least a month. All male goths look stupid, without exception. Male goths see the crow and emulate his appearance, without realisng that gothic fashion only looks cool on men in films because it makes them look dramatic. In real-life, there is far less drama and even less action to allow giant leather trenchcoats, black metal-esque make-up to work.

I was going to type up a huge list of frequent gothic misconceptions, beliefs and lies and the contradictions and discrimination that comes with them, but someone has already done this for me, but forgot to add why every single thing he/she said is a lie. If you have read the extremely offensive and discriminating, lengthy pseudo-facts about goths and the difference between the chav sub-culture, I think you'll know where I'm going with this. I'll cover the most important of his or her's misinformation (I'll ignore his/her spelling mistakes which automatically deduct from his/her credibility, at least on the whole stereotypical "goths are intelligent" thing).

"In the morning, a goth will ask themselves “what do I want to wear?” whilst a chav will ask themselves “what in this selection of clothes is the most acceptable thing to wear?” "

This fails to point out the fact that, being a goth, he/she is similarly limited in clothing just as the chav is, only being a goth, he/she has tried to give a different reason for this.

"A goth will listen to music that is meaningful to their life and thought provoking, a chav will listen to music which will tell him how to behave. "
This one ignores the fact that goth music itself is typically centered around a limited subject matter, and avoids discussing how "chav music" tells people how to behave.

The next paragraph, hilariously, contains several goth cliches, we are all doomed, life is pointless, blah-blah-blah, ignoring how other people may not think so, proving how close-minded he/she really is. Also he/she calls non-goths fools for not conforming to his/her point of view.

Then, the money shot: "I treat others as I wish to be treated myself"
Yes that's right, after making a gigantic entry belittling chavs and non-goths, for, incredibly, not conforming to his/her beliefs, and moaning that no-one undertands him/her, he/she commits the ultimate hypocrisy and states that he/she treats everyone as she would want to be treated. Hmm. Does this means he/she likes being told he/she is inferior, unoriginal and uncreative?

"As a goth, all you various ‘rude’ forms of life make me sick. Goth is what the individuals do- and as for the idea of the wannabe goth these either revert to conformity or evolve.(I mean slipknot/korn fans, as for manson fans I think those who say he isn’t gothic just don’t know enough about him- sure listening to manson WILL NOT make you gothic, but give that poor dark philisophical soul some credit! He’s certainly not gonna un-goth you!)"

Let me get this straight. He/she has insulted every non-goth at every step of his/her entry, and now, quite hypocritacally calls US rude. Oh. Almost forgot the insertion of the common misconception that goths are intelligent and dark and philisophical. And the even-more frequent mis-conception that Manson is a good musician. No-one older than 17 listens to him, by the way.

"Goths make the greatest friends. Goths have the unusual ideas. Goths just don’t suffer from the same afflictions of ‘normality’ as you self-mirroring lot- change for once. down with mediocrity."

I have the greatest friends on the planet. They are always there for me, they listen to my problems, they listen to different music, have interests and expertise in different things, they don't even fit into a sub-culture. What makes your goth friends so much better than mine?

Unusual ideas? At no-where have you stated why, or provided evidence why this is:
A:Only inherent goths or
B:Neccessarily a good thing.

Goths don't suffer from the same resrictions of normality?
This world is not the matrix and you, nor any-other self-important goth are NOT neo. I love the way these people act like they don't make funny noises taking a shit like the rest of us do... "I'm so deep and -oohhuuuUUnnggaaarggh!!! " *Sploosh!*

Self-mirroring: Way to prove your intelligence, gothic-Einstein. This term literally means to mirror, dun-dun-DUUUUUH! Yourself! What? Are you saying I look like myself? Is that a bad thing? Why? Maybe I should conform to what you say and not look like myself. Ok, I just tried it now, but every time I looked in the mirror, I still just looked like me.

Mediocrity: Yes down with mediocrity! Better yet, down with self-contradiction, delusions of superiority, and discrimination towards people who do not share your fashion-statement, or "dark" philosophies!

Skanger:"Hallow'een's over!"
Goth:"I will eat your soul"

Goth: "I'm bettr thon u"
Me: "Of course you are"

by N00bKannon June 11, 2008

8👍 14👎


1 - Adj.
An art and architectural style often involving towers, gargoyles, and spires. May also describe people who lived in the time and places that these buildings and pieces were constructed or painted.

2 - N.
A type of person, divided into two sub-categories:
A) Emo (ee' - moe) Goth -
The original goth, someone who believes that their life is horrible or mediocre at best, and therefor writes poetry that often includes the word "nihilistic" and love songs. Using bands like Death Cab for Cutie and Brand New to think for them, Emo Goths dye their hair black or red, avoid all eye contact if possible, and flip their long, unkempt hair to the side every so often. They have a habit of staring at the floor and scratching the back of their head with their arms crossed.

B) Hot Topic Goth -
At first, 14-year-olds who enjoyed the Emo look (dyed black hair, old clothes), but did not understand the music (as if there was anything to understand). They were not typically accepted by the rest of the Emo crowd for one reason or another, and therefor shunned by the most shunned group of society. This group is typically ignored by most humans, except for other Hot Topic Goths, so they will stop at nothing to attract attention to themselves. Most Hot Topic goths are bisexual, have abnormal hair colors (green, red, purple), paint their faces black and white in patterns that would have you believe that they have been crying and have some form of depth, play Dance Dance Revolution, and watch Japanese Anime. Also, every hot topic goth must listen to strictly heavy metal, industrial, house, trance, techno, chemical/acid/breakbeat, J-rock, and J-pop. Most of which don't know the difference in the different electronic music genres of which they listen to, and simply incorrectly classify them all as "techno". Most Hot Topic goths, when asked as to why they dress the way they do, reply that they are "misunderstood" and have that other people will not get it, but it is well understood that it is for attemption, and the misunderstood defense is that of faux depth in a shallow goth's personality.

Look at that goth, he's so understandingly misunderstood.

by GerryWithAG September 1, 2005

14👍 29👎


According to the historians Cassiodorus and Jordanes in the beginning of 200 A.D. The Roman Empire was attacked by a Germanic tribe from southern Scandinavia. A century later it split into 2 tribes, Ostrogoth meaning “eastern Goth” and Visigoth meaning “western Goth.” In 370 A.D. both were attacked by Huns. The Ostrogoths merged with them and the Visigoths fled from them to a Roman province called Thrace and revolted killing the Roman Army and Emperor Valens at Adrianople present day Edirne, Turkey in 378 A.D. During the early 400’s they invaded Italy under there King Alaric and sacked Rome in 410. The Ostrogoths freed themselves of the Huns in 454 and conquered Italy in 488 under their king Theodric the Great. Both Gothic tribes were then reunited under him in 507. The Visigoths then moved to Gaul/France and to Spain and their empire there lasted into 711. The Ostrgoth’s empire lasted to 553.
They were feared because captives were sacrificed to their war god Tyz, and because of this the name Goth became associated with bad behavior and violence. In medieval and modern day Spain, Visigoths were thought to be the origin of Spanish nobility and in Latin America is used as a racial term referring to the Spaniards who oppressed the Native Americans. The Goths were actually the first Germanic people to convert to Christianity and in the 12th century religious buildings, castles and graveyards were built in Gothic architecture which has led to a time period called the Gothic era. In the 19th century Gothic literature first appeared because the stories took place in such places and lead it to represent dark stories of horror. In the late 20th century it came to represent a style and sound of darkness leading to a misconception of what a goth truly is.

You don't call a French person German, and the same goes for calling a person who's not of gothic ancestry a goth.

by Darkfire_13 May 18, 2006

6👍 10👎


Goth, although once an expression of individuality, is now a commercial image sold by big business. They now have shops such as Emily the Strange that promote and sell the goth image. If you shop at such places you are buying something that everyone can have and probably does have. Ergo, you are not a true goth who wishes to be individual.

Goth, as well as many other social groups, is a box that people are put in so we can organise society. People are labelled to make it easier for others to relate to them. I exhibit many chracteristics of a goth (outlook of the world, sense of humour ect,) but am I one? No. This is because I choose not to buy into a commercial image that has been ruined by our "friends" big business and lemming teenagers.

So, if we follow this philosiphy, everyone who calls themself a goth is a poser and everyone who dresses like a goth is just buying into a commercial entity and is therefore a sellout and a poser.

Goth: I'm so individual I dress and act just like all my friends because society tells me to.

by All the bloody names are taken! July 13, 2006

5👍 8👎


goth is a word made up by people who need a name for stuff. people who are considered goth tend to wear alot of black, white, red, and purple. other colors are welcomed. i hate that people think goths are evil. my absolute best friend in the world is a goth and she ROCKS. she loves the ramones, afi, and the dropkick murphy's. she wears bondage pants(pants with alot of chains and straps), t shirts about add, family guy, and invader zim, nd friggin awesome hoodies. it is a very complementary look, as black tends to be, and i loooove it! i do not fit under a label, though some stupid people call it emo. yeah. i dont even wear alot of black. but if i was to choose a style, i would choose gothic (or grunge, but anyway...), because it looks the best on people and it shocks. of course, their are scary goths, like the satan worshipping, hex giving , evil goths, but .. i like em. lol. but, you just have to get to know someone before you label them, if thats what u plan on doing. i mean, yeah. my bff(as mentioned earlier) actually speaks to preps. one of em is a good friend who likes abercrombie and backflips. yeah. gothic people(and emos, in general) are very open minded(usually) and are not quick to judge, even when others are quick to judge them.

goth: i love you
me: omg i love you too
paris hilton: thats hot.

lol i just wanted to say that

by anamericanidiot101 June 2, 2007

5👍 8👎


before: a style of architecture

now: someone who "doesnt care what anybody thinks" yet before he/she leaves the house, they make sure their chains are the right length when they hang down from his/her black pants and they reapply their eye liner

prep: oooh i love hesse mcartney
goth: that guys a fag
prep: ok
goth: but before you go, does my mowhack look alright?

by your mom April 9, 2005

30👍 82👎