Hillary is a smelly person and you don’t want to be next to her for long and you may have known her for long but there is a dark side in her she where she will talk behind your back.
Hillary what a stinky girl
If this is your name you probably think you know everyone and are very judgy;a very bad judge of character. Mean to people who you think are less than you.
Im Hillary, Ill talk to you but make little digs. I also wear the same outfits every other day..
Your way prettier than a dog you met in Florence.
Hillary🤍🤩 isHillary🤍🤩 is way cuter and more prettier than the dog that she met in Florence
Hillary is a beautiful girl and pulls anyone she wants. Her name means curious, joyful, and beautiful. Hillary will be happy with a simple gesture and doesn’t look for much.
Hillary is amazing
A stupid bum bum that is more stinky than the stinkiest butt butt.
P1: Hey! Pheeeeuww u smell like one heck of a Hillary!!
P2: You should check your capillaries.
Is a beautiful girl who’s independent and has an amazing personality. She can look weak but she’s strong physically and mentally.
Hillary :)