Jill is the most swaggy friend around! She's always willing to crack a joke to make you feel better. Whenever you're having a bad day, call JIll and bring some happiness to your life! Jill likes astrology and Minecraft. She's probably very into spirits and the supernatural. Jill has light hair and freckles. She's incredibly pretty and you don't understand why she doesn't always see it. Jill tends to underestimate herself at times, but her friends make sure to pick her up and keep her going! Jill is an amazing person in and out and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend.
Jill is the best friend someone could ask for!
The greatest mom on the entire planet Earth. Literally the nicest person you can ever meet. Everyone loves her because she's such a sweetheart. A woman who puts all others before herself, and makes the ultimate self-sacrifices for love and the wellbeing of others. Never once does she put herself first, despite the numerous chances she's given. A woman who you easily forget has had an extremely hard life because you can literally become suspicious that she's an actual angel on Earth. She loves her children unconditionally, and I hope she understands that we love her unconditionally as well. She's the one thing in existence I look to when I need strength – when I need to stay kind, compassionate, and when I need to persevere when life keeps slamming me with its iron fist. She's incredibly modest and asks for nothing. You complement her and she'll say "Ah.. well, I'm just doing what anyone would do."
Literally everyone she knows (yes, they've all said this): "If Jill doesn't get into Heaven, what hope do we have?"
Jill, where do I start, she is not only the most gorgeous girl you will ever see, but she is also so sweet and SILLY! She is probably little but don't let this fool you because she can be mean but shes probably right. Everyone loves Jill because shes loyal and always fun to be around. Everyone loves Jill PERIOD (especially if your name is Michael)
Michael: " dude there is this girl in my Spanish class shes so hot and funny bro"
Jacob: "she definitely thinks your just a friend"
Michael: "no bro I'm gonna date her"
Jacob: "no way you could date a jill"
Michael: "facts shes way to pretty and funny and awesome and cool".
She is a woman who is brave, great, good at speaking,
Women who care more about the people around them are friendly, gentle, cold to people they have just met but if they already know they will remember until they die.
Have a great memory and stand for a long time. Prefer to pay attention than to be noticed, prefer to hear rather than talk
Mood swing, a little tantrum, she can be the person who cares for you if the trust he gives is not played.
The most secret place, the place to confide, and protectors. She does not like it if there are people who hurt relatives, family, friends, friends and also people he knows
So the person who makes the problem has chosen the opponent because he will never be silent without doing something.
What I know is that the person's life will be destroyed more than what that person did to her relatives
A: She so scared if she's mad
B: She was very brave, how lucky I was to know her
A: She is beautiful, great in many ways, and so attractive
B: why does that stupid guy refuse Jill's love?
He doesn't know how lucky he is to have someone like Jill in his life
Using your “Right Hand” instead of having the ability to use a female. Right Hand faced down spells “Jill”, hence the term was born
“I see you were hanging out with Jill last night”
“Since you can’t close, You good to hang out with Jill tonight instead”
The hand you beat off with. Use "Jill" instead of saying you're masturbating so people think you plugging and actual girl.
Friend 1: "hey, wanna hang out tonight?"
Friend 2: "nah I can, I'm gonna go tap Jill later"
Jill is a girl who washes her hair with lemon juice to make her hair blond, she also love boys with the name Aiden and she’s kinda funny but is in a mood most of the time
My name Is Jill and my hair is natural