The hardest partiers. 10 day streaks are common, as well as lasting well past 5AM. To many they symbolize what it means to be a total baller. It is commonly understood that Rick James was the first Knight Ryder.
"We ridin tonight?"
-"Hell yeah. Knight ryders for life."
The Farting Knights are Aarón Amilián and his familia. That's their group name solely for when they play Fortnite.
The Farting Knights are some of the greatest Fortnite players of all time.
Term used by Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) in Martin Scorsese’s The Departed for the Italian Mob.
“The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city.“ - Frank Costello
Knight Blox, (Roblox_Superfan9977) is a pro Roblox player. Knight Blox is the rank of warden at SVCF, Blox is currently trying to get the rank of Community Advisory Council (CAC) at Stateview Correctional Facility (SVCF). Knight Blox officially joined Roblox on October 31, 2018.
Knight Blox is standing at a height of 5'7 and is 13 years old.
Knight Blox is VERY cool.
A spin off of Tsundere, where a woman is as prideful as a knight, but gets flustered when treated like a woman
Man, isn't she such a knight-dere?
Dude, wtf is a knight-dere?
if you date a ella knight then your lucky cause she’s really pretty,gorgeous,kind and funny you need to watch out for them they seem happy but deep down there not so if u date one feel lucky cause she will make your days 100x better she shows so much love and she doesn’t even need makeup to look beautiful and if u date one don’t take her for granted and ella knights overthink a lot so u better give them reassurance and show them that you care cause that’s a 1 in a life time some ppl don’t even get the chance so be nice to them
person 1:is that ella knight’s boyfriend
person 2:they are so lucky
person 3:ikr she’s legit so perfect
um wow alex got doxxed he lives in canada