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When Finn Wolfhard breathes this may cause people to be extremely happy

Finn Wolfhard: *lives*
The world: *explodes with uWu*

by oH lolssssss November 21, 2018

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A sexually referred to word to use if roleplaying.

UwU let me suck on your cock, daddy.

by October 20, 2020

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UwU Speech

UwU speech, also known as verbal diabetes, is the complete saturation of language with sweet and cute words, and or the replacement/repetition of letters within words with other letters to accentuate the childish and sweet tone, often the letter "w" being ruthlessly abused. Emoticons/Emoji usage may vary but if used generally serve to exaggerate the coma inducing sweetness.

Examples of UwU speech
1. "Hewwo Daniel, w-would you liek sum snuzzles? :3 <3 uwu"
2. ">~< thancc you honey cookie. (insert anime emoji with hearts) i twied me best <<3. "

by realhotdogmen October 6, 2019

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uwu cult

The uwu cult is a cult of 18 members and 200+ messages. It is situated on the website of wattpad. Their moto is they’ll kill Trump with an ice cube, claiming the evidence will β€˜melt away.’

The flag is a pride flag with Trump in an ice cube with uwu’s all around.

The uwu cult has a petition, we need to sign it

by splogy_2017 August 12, 2020

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UwU Wacker

UwU Wacker means you fuck Furrys for a living

"You're such a UwU Wacker"

by urlocalmimi November 17, 2022

uwu uwu paar

Die Beschreibung eines paares mit dem man nicht einmal zeit verbringen kann ohne das sie ΓΌber sich "herfallen".

Man schon wieder Daniel und Marie dieses uwu uwu paar.

by Wovan December 2, 2021

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circus uwu

"coclan disputes"

Boy: I want to watch some circus uwu
Girl: let's head to coclan disputes

by Tom the best mod September 7, 2022